Friday, September 09, 2005


I don’t believe a minute that it hurts
but he walked out the door I gave him

what a false sense of relief
even though I have to be the kind of

person can’t handle this stuff
there’s a word for it like supermuffin

he ties his hair up with my underpants
and I lose everything about myself

it just happens
then he tears my head down into little smokes

and I have to go and do stupid things
like call him up in the middle of the night

it’s a fascination with leather
I’d rather not have

in the elevator we kiss like
angel jailbait and then I walk

out of the party into the night
where I personally know the cockeyed moon

it’s telling me something
force yourself to concentrate

it’s an oracle that cockeyed moon

first published in can we have our ball back?