Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Darker Pixels Are Heavier

Rolling down the window
I read I just want to relax only it’s
not relax it’s read. 

He’s got the bladder of a
catamaran so I should’ve
brought a milk bottle.

Earlier on the impossible
bus the letters are unbearable.
It’s all talk talk talk, it’s the

age of speaking louder
when spoken to.  The trick is
to interrupt the speaker

before the thought.  Never
be spoken to.  So as.  So
this book of letters by

the most underrepresented
fellow in the New York School
just makes me itchy.  Itchy

to catch a ride elsewhere
in this age of unbearable.
Then you called.  If only

to say I love you and let’s
hitch to Vegas—in a cat-
aclysm?  Why the freaky

vibrating 50s brain that
choses sink for beautiful
butterfly stroke.  Over

stroke every time?
Summer in December
isn’t frazzled.  It’s

the heaven that Vegas
isn’t.  It never bellows.
It’s cream it rises like

angelfood cake with
wings.  Not even
frilly sextatic wings.