Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Boo Hoo!

“I believe it is a combination
of a lot of things, many of
which I am not sure of,”
is an exact quote. Page
2,532. Another Tuesday.
Oh, woe is me, and boo hoo!

Pick your damn self up
and get back in line! I
want to take pictures at
an average rate. There
is too much work in
the afternoon. My hand

cramps as if I’m actually
writing a letter, probably
to Gary. The sticky frogs
aren’t sticky enough.
Sure, I could complain
all week. What is a game

I play with myself while
listening to something
that sounds happy? Big
frown full of crocodile
tears: happy birthday,
happy Easter, and

Merry Christmas! I
could do this until dawn.

Merry Christmas!