Friday, December 15, 2017


The Burden of Living Off the Graciousness of Others

I really enjoy it when, say, a
generic brand of strawberry soda
has, rather, a distinct cream soda
taste. And this happens on occasion.
To me, it does…. Anyone else?

The act of engagement. Engaging in
person (irl, non-virtual). Yet for all of 
the day’s generosity, the beautifully 
spun green and gold floating backwards
through the internet, past the new

social blockade and landing here in
my very lap, it is that act I miss the
most. Nose to nose talk done not by
fingers (which carry about contorted,
flying through the space just in front of

our eyes, if not locked between a pair
of them). Voices the steam from which
we can feel on our cheeks and words that
are spoken with our entire bodies…. My
eyes, your eyes. Eyes that know me and

mine that know you, eyes that have a
history between them, can work to recall 
times such as these. See the both of us 
in something of a tight orbit, air quotes,
a three dimensional thumbs-up, a held

but spinning glass of wine, building
suspense, finally tilted so it’s almost
spilled, until we are speaking a decibel
or two louder and our faces flush. We
seem to care, as if we’ve each a bit of

something at stake, a small piece of
you and a small piece of me which we
offer the other or carefully take. We’ll
talk the afternoon away, just like we
used to, of course, through a wonderful

evening we’ll chatter away. It’s so lovely
to see you, perhaps you could stay? Let’s
say for dinner? Or even the night? It has
been forever, there’s so much to relay.
Oh, please say you’ll do so, I find my

self texting while thinking so loud that I
notice the sound of my very own voice. I
look up embarrassed then back at the key-
board before reminiscing, soda in hand, caught 
hung on a moment, completely carried away.
