Sunday, November 27, 2016

mmdclxxxii language strangely
                      —Laura Moriarty

The ostrich’s hopscotch
was graceful (Ines

timably, thought
the ostrich, who

believed she was
being offered a

scotch.) and my
skin burns as if it’s

afire. I’m
all too aware

of the numerous
lies within my

heart. What
I meant by

the weather
was my mood,

emotion. Emo
ticon, emoticant.

Precipitate. Rec

Andy wasn’t hard
up when I hit

rock bottom.
Later that same

weakness – a
few silent frays –

a Miss Oliver point
ed up to where

we were when
we first saw it.

Each of us felt
a chill of a


a chill of a different kind

Saturday, November 26, 2016


“The Dropdown Runs Out to the Right”

Or haven’t you heard? Logic rules.
It (and its common sense strategies)
bring such a wide smile to the faces
of my friends, the set of which is too
numerous to list; and I’m not just talk
ing acquaintances, no sirree. But puredee
-when-you-need-them-most (and without
even having to send out so much as an
S.O.S.) FRIENDS. It’s uncanny, the
certainty of their existence. I’ve heard
rumors of poor sots who cannot say the
same without a sense of irony – I’m also
told the tone of sarcasm is as obvious as us
believers’ ascent to heaven will ultimately
be (and none too soon, according to my
calculations). Gosh, I’ve had such omni
present good fortune. I’m so truly blessed,
to be sure. Such calamity befalls this poor
earth it breaks your heart. And then there’s
me and my happiness full of incalculable life.
I’m so ready for it to be over, for the few of
us who belong in paradise to float like tiny
pink balloons on the horizon until we’re
so out of here. Alrightee, this conference
is over now. Who needs another revival?
My tummy's grumbly. And Agnes knows
very well how I get when I’m hungry (In
she hollers from the back porch.
She’s always at the ready.) Indeed! Let's
go ahead and get this the party started,
shall we? Yes, let’s . . .


Friday, November 25, 2016


     PULL UP
     NOT OUT
   —a Walgreen’s paper bag

“Who will be
the cause
of my demise?”
whispered om
inously, it
seemed to
me, at least,
the aether
from which

“I will,”
it seemed
(to me), the
entirety of my
kith and kin,
bowing, pray
ing, I be
lieve, over
my demise.

I will forever hold my peace.

Friday, November 18, 2016


I’m trying
to forget,
but please
allow me
to list for
for you the
top 200
why you
are more
cruel than
De Vil.


Thursday, November 17, 2016


Autumn’s Anthem

We are all fallen
with excitement.

“That sounded
big,” one was

heard exhaling.
“Oh, dear that

sounded really
big!” And so

each of us,
being so

very close
to the heart

of our cumul
ative hearts, 

the one we

strum (as it,

with a bit
of glee,

thrums), stood

in our respective
places and looked

around with a
tinge of anxiety,

waiting for the
biggest and the


pumpkin time

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


The Boil-over

“It’s weird,”
thought the
janitor, “how
the crooks
take us all
for such an
ride. It’s a
true night
mare, really.”
Like the air
in a room
(of most
any size)
when a
sufi takes
the sofa,
we were
each and
all just
plain un
able. Toi
lets were
being flu
shed. Our
as fully
and then,
of course,
ately app
were as 

The Boil-over

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Mutual Attraction

“There’s definitely a story to be told
here, somewhere.” Forensics experts
aren’t known for their profundity (nor
for their profanity as it turns out).
They are not, on the whole, a very
glamorous bunch, I might also add.
But they can be sexy. Think of the
Riddler character on the new Batman
reboot (Gotham). It’s yet another TV
show where the original cast goes nearly
babies on us; a prequel. God, the
Riddler (or is it The Riddler) was
hot when he was young. Maybe
the story, then, is youth. Is this
just my problem or does this speak
to you, as well? Or you, over there?
Rather than attempt to pronounce
the name of your rather intelligent
city (the country’s capital, no less!),
I’ll say this: the threshold between
childhood and adulthood occurs
as an individual tries his or her
damnedest to see through someone
else’s eyes. Repetitively (as in on
a fairly regular basis). That’s all 
there is to adulthood, I say.
Unfortunately for us all, a rather 
large percentage of the population 
never make it through that 
threshold. So we live on a planet 
full of selfish, bratty (and, all too
often), bullying kids. That’s
our mutual attraction, yours
with me, and mine with you.
Clearly, we’ve no chance
of ever understanding
one another. So,
how about we,
oh, I don’t know....


Monday, November 14, 2016



Here I am
at anyone’s
mercy with my
my bed falling
apart – it’s true!
– at least once a
week, the boards
beneath the matt
ress inch their
ways toward in
coherent angles
and FOOSH!! one
side or the other
(the one with me
on it, obviously)
flops to the
floor. Here I
am with my
back falling
apart and I
don’t even
feel old (I
wonder if
my bed does?
In Ikea bed years
it’s probably 900
years old by now!)
So what, do you
wonder, will to
morrow hold?
Ah, well, there’s
beauty in the
and it often
lies here in
bed with me,
falling to the
unseen floor
pretty much
like every
thing and
everyone else.


Saturday, November 12, 2016


I Was Never THAT GUY (the sad one)

should be the
name of my
wishful thinking)...


    Never look a
    dark horse
    in the nuts
    when he’s
    about to
    pounce on
    the cute

my birthday

Friday, November 11, 2016


in a small town it’s horrible, you feel trapped
                                —Susie Timmons

It’s me!
She found me.

There’s no
sex appeal.

There’s just 

smart. beautiful. magical.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Thursday, November 03, 2016


The word


don't write

Wednesday, November 02, 2016


                       poetry is all

        a scent of berry like a splash of destiny

        which hints at the last of life...

                                                      —Jane Miller

Everything’s falling
apart. Everything
of me and mine.
Can’t hornswaggle
a thing back. And
that’s the USA,
right? No truth
nor beauty. I lie
to the sky (sky-
ward?) like a
fool, singing
the dumbest
thoughts as
they fall to 
the earth.

as the fall to the earth

Tuesday, November 01, 2016


i am dead (inside)

because out here
life is beautiful;
the very air reeks
of it.
