Or haven’t you heard? Logic rules. It (and its common sense strategies) bring such a wide smile to the faces of my friends, the set of which is too numerous to list; and I’m not just talk ing acquaintances, no sirree. But puredee always-there-for-you-in-the-nick-of-time -when-you-need-them-most (and without even having to send out so much as an S.O.S.) FRIENDS. It’s uncanny, the certainty of their existence. I’ve heard rumors of poor sots who cannot say the same without a sense of irony – I’m also told the tone of sarcasm is as obvious as us believers’ ascent to heaven will ultimately be (and none too soon, according to my calculations). Gosh, I’ve had such omni present good fortune. I’m so truly blessed, to be sure. Such calamity befalls this poor earth it breaks your heart. And then there’s me and my happiness full of incalculable life. I’m so ready for it to be over, for the few of us who belong in paradise to float like tiny pink balloons on the horizon until we’re so out of here. Alrightee, this conference is over now. Who needs another revival? My tummy's grumbly. And Agnes knows very well how I get when I’m hungry (In deed! she hollers from the back porch. She’s always at the ready.) Indeed! Let's go ahead and get this the party started, shall we? Yes, let’s . . .
“It’s weird,” thought the janitor, “how the crooks take us all for such an excruciating ride. It’s a true night mare, really.” Like the air in a room (of most any size) when a sufi takes the sofa, we were each and all just plain un comfort able. Toi lets were being flu shed. Our thoughts, as fully intended, and then, of course, appropri ately app reciated, were as
“There’s definitely a story to be told here, somewhere.” Forensics experts aren’t known for their profundity (nor for their profanity as it turns out). They are not, on the whole, a very glamorous bunch, I might also add. But they can be sexy. Think of the Riddler character on the new Batman reboot (Gotham). It’s yet another TV show where the original cast goes nearly babies on us; a prequel. God, the Riddler (or is it The Riddler) was hot when he was young. Maybe the story, then, is youth. Is this just my problem or does this speak to you, as well? Or you, over there? Rather than attempt to pronounce the name of your rather intelligent city (the country’s capital, no less!), I’ll say this: the threshold between childhood and adulthood occurs as an individual tries his or her damnedest to see through someone else’s eyes. Repetitively (as in on a fairly regular basis). That’s all
there is to adulthood, I say. Unfortunately for us all, a rather
large percentage of the population
never make it through that
threshold. So we live on a planet
full of selfish, bratty (and, all too often), bullying kids. That’s our mutual attraction, yours with me, and mine with you. Clearly, we’ve no chance of ever understanding one another. So, how about we, oh, I don’t know....
Here I am at anyone’s mercy with my my bed falling apart – it’s true! – at least once a week, the boards beneath the matt ress inch their ways toward in coherent angles and FOOSH!! one side or the other (the one with me on it, obviously) flops to the floor. Here I am with my back falling apart and I don’t even feel old (I wonder if my bed does? In Ikea bed years it’s probably 900 years old by now!) So what, do you wonder, will to morrow hold? Ah, well, there’s beauty in the unbelievable and it often lies here in bed with me, occasionally falling to the unseen floor (FOOSH!) pretty much like every thing and everyone else.
Everything’s falling apart. Everything of me and mine. Can’t hornswaggle a thing back. And that’s the USA, right? No truth nor beauty. I lie to the sky (sky- ward?) like a fool, singing the dumbest thoughts as they fall to