Sunday, December 31, 2023


The Thirstiest of Spluttering During
   that All but Interminable, Awkward
   Wrangling of a Cork Toward Its Eagerly
   Anticipated Release: the Solace and
   Assurance of that Hoped-for and
   Hopefully Hopeful Pop

I’m not an alcoholic, with apologies. And I’m first
and foremost a comic, which is too bad, for obvious
reasons, so why apologize? Proselytizing is also a
bit of a WHY? But this is what I do, a series of ext

ended romps, which I certainly find entertaining and
enlightening (resolution: turn outward, not inward, I
mean, enough already!) which are intermittently shocked
out of their fervor and meaninglessness into spurts of what?

Hurt feelings? Chips on shoulders? Haughty pissiness?
That glaze downward at the (always) hopefully imagined
lowest common denominator? Wisdom springs from experi
ence, I suppose. And what have I done? Actively? I do this.

And I l,,,ove it. Watch me. Or don’t. It is not just for me. Is it?
Only you can prove me right. But who am I kidding? [Shrug]


Saturday, December 30, 2023


The Path to No Bitterness

The path to no bitterness is more bitterness. No kidding.
It is a lot more. It is confrontation. It is feeling it, and
feeling it deeply and profoundly. If you don’t understand
why, then ask. Don’t ask the cowards who left you with it.

They are unavailable. But if you must approach a source,
ask directly. Why? How? Couldn’t we have? So that you
may receive the answer firmly and know truth, so that you
will really get it. This unavailability. This lack, which can be

called cowardice. Or whatever. You choose what to call it. If
asking the source isn’t an option, ask someone else. Keep
asking. Go to the brink. But keep asking. Until the fog lifts
just enough. Then clasp this treasure, never let it go, and move

away from the bitterness to better-ness. I hope these words are
not worthless and that we find what we might then call closure.

this may be bd advice

Friday, December 29, 2023


Swimming to the Shore I’ve Stood Upon and That I Will Reach Again

I’ve never tried so hard to get someplace in my entire life. Never tried
for so long to get to one place, a place I’ve already been, a place I spent
so many wonderful seasons, prancing in the sand, watching the waves
letting the sun do a bit too much damage to my outer body, never tried
so hard to get back there, never, ever. Tried so hard.

I know that my work ethic is a bit unconventional, but I gave 85% (more
or less) to the one job that paid the rent, the one I’ve had for most of my life.
I built this “CAREER” and worked very hard on it.  I even, with no financial
support, put myself through six years of undergraduate and graduate education
just to be comfortable, financially, in my own unconventional way, utilizing
that career.

Secondly, I have 
another career to which I have also given at least 85%, if 
not more.  And this other career, to my mind, defines me more than anything
else has, and it is one toward which I have never been financially motivated. 
It is a career that is essentially non-monetary for me (I’ll tell you the story
about the choice I made that one time I was at the Vatican, if you ask me).
There is no outside financing of it whatsoever.  And as far as I’m concerned, it
has burdened me with no cost during its (thus far) run of a quarter of a century.

Two careers that have gone places, good places, great places. I would maintain
that I have a strong work ethic.  One that I no doubt inherited from my people.
So what could go wrong? you might ask. Or, at least I certainly do.

But if an answer to that question exists, it is predominantly irrelevant. There is
primary relevance, though, regarding these two paths that I have made mine: 
I am still here.

I’ve never worked so hard to get from here to there, to get out of where I 
found myself. Toward this effort, I have given 100%. It has been over 8 years.
I lost my partner of over a decade by not envisioning that he’d disappear (and
worse) at year eleven. I lost every friend I had in proximity and most who were
not. This fact, it turns out, has by far been the worst of all of the misfortunes that
I have encountered in my entire life. I lost my home. The home that, with effort
and help, was made mine and ours, with an open door, with comfort. I could put
more energy into attempting to logically explain why, but it is, literally, an
impossibility to do so. And, as just noted, it is irrelevant.  But also, I’ve spent a
decade trying to become reemployed in a long-term fashion, the old-fashioned
way, perhaps unconventional today, but in the process have learned, very slowly
and very methodically, about trauma and invisible or unrecognized disability along
the way, so as to remove obstacles and reach my goals, unraveling that which is

unknown, that which is invisible, and that which is unrecognized, in ways that
seem to give me the confidence that I have made progress. But this progress
has been excruciatingly slow. Each week, I think about how much better I feel
than I did the year before. I have no idea when I’ll reach it, my solid ground,
nor when I’ll feel like I’m back at par, back at my game, incessantly improving
it, as had always been the case, but I do know that I am already so much better
(this is a thing that swimming non-stop helps to enable), and reaching that shore
has been the perpetual motivation and the veritable substance of all that is me.

All of this is to say that I have no idea how long it will take to reach that familiar
firmament.  The ground I still remember so vividly, wobbly as it sometimes was
beneath my feet. No idea at all. And I don’t or won’t allow myself the option
that I’ll never reach that shore again. It is inevitable. it will happen. It is the
willing it to happen that propels me in this way, and every ounce of me believes
that all of the movements I make get me closer to that once familiar surface
that I have taken such comfort in, that allowed my legs to rise against the
omnipresent and surreal and wounding force of gravity, to lengthen and
strengthen and stay standing. I suppose I took that stance for granted.  
Familiar land at times feels so very close that I can almost touch it, that I 
can but breathe it in. Yet it has not been reached. At other times, it feels as 
far away, or further away than it has ever been. It has not been reached. I have
yet to find it again. But I will. And I will never stop swimming until I get there.

And when I do, I will stop swimming long enough to catch my breath, and
will find my footing, however long that takes, and rise at whatever speed at
which I am capable, which will assuredly be the swiftest possible, on my behalf,
so that I may stand. So that I may stand. And I will stand. And in one way
or the other I will remain standing. Why would it be any other way? In the
realm of my peace and my comfort and my continued growth and those two
careers and so much more that is in store, some of which is going to be the
absolute highlights of joy and peace and contentment and adventure and
growth and engagement I will have experienced. This is fact. This is a fact
that depends on nobody but me, and I am the only person who has to know it.

All these things I will do until I am there. And then, what I do can also be for you.

Prayer of Submission, Humility, Motivation, Evolution and Fact.

To the Truth.

The Statue of Liberty

Thursday, December 28, 2023


Shreveport Regional Airport

focus on the mustache. twirl it
’til the skies are blue. if you open
a can of sardines, all the people
will fall out of it. she’s no louisi

ana comedian, that’s for sure.
post haste is no toothpaste. that’d
be grim. a pot-smoking lariat isn’t a,
well, diagnosis, either. is he? always

remove as much sugar from your
diet (coke, root beer, dr. pepper)
as you are aware of (so as not to
be packed like fat sardines and then

emptied like fluffy white puppies
twirling through the clear blue sky).

rolling puppies


Pre-Interview Thank You Post

we don’t talk about the gushing
that takes place during. and we
always fail to send off that quickly-

view heartfelt gratitude. don’t mind
the man behind the curtain (wearing
a suit and a bow-tie made out of said
curtain). he thanks nobody. should

we carry on by carrying this into the
absolutely generic as we walk like pall
bearers out the door? sure, then. make
doctor’s appointment. do that thing you

do for the (ew, let’s not name the actual)
bank. and mail back all the T-Mobile junk.

not a 3-piece suit


We Can Always Get This Done

develop entirely new spreadsheet. log
everything. especially each tiny item
to ask the new boss. new boss? yes.

sampling of list of tiny items to ask new
boss (again, yes): a) accept all sweaters,
plaques and gifts as your own (yes, mine).

b) add epaulets to sweaters, sign or en
grave plaques. c) should i go ahead and
put my life on the line or wait a week or two?

d) ask toads for homes for each phone. g)
fielding calls is rare, but when it happens,
make it a scuffle. n) these are all questions

for next week. [something here about moan
ing for mona??]. true or false is not a question.

john philip sousa award

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Throw Poem Back

Thank you: for getting things
done, and for kind words, myst
ery, context and nuance. Working
for 21 bankers is like thirteen ways

of looking at a thousand expense
reports, right? I remember the days
before start-ups. Were we living more
then than we’re living now? No. Not

me. Some pledge. Free fund-raising
platforms. Non-profits. Whatever.
Pledge is for furniture; platforms for
shoes. Take me back to right before

start-ups began. Just don’t plop me
inside of one. Tell her I’ll start later.

platform shoe


Ricardo’s Regards

fill weekly pill dispenser every
sunday. bug spray. splenda.
print cartridges. couple rolls of
paper towels. defrost the refriger

ator. sweep and mop the floors
again. must connect with ricardo
regarding catering. ricardo regard
ing. chef robert catering (watch eps

8 and 9 of the bear). contact chef
robert regarding san mateo cock ring
program. regarding cook ring. coo
king the chef. disregard. the ring

program. use 3 on beard. down to
2. try 1½. what’s ricardo regarding?

what's ricardo regarding?

Saturday, December 23, 2023


Hole for the Holidays

the cashew team informs we should name our
phones like newborns (gerta? godwin?). will
the people back such saddled solutions? they
all. i’ve had a peter mag since the year 2000.

i told my doctor. his name is bill. he gave me
the name of a patient (bill’s a rule-breaking
gloat) who won the pulitzer for esophageal gar
goyles. gargles? in this way, said throat poet

gagged out ballads, haiku, pantoums, google
ditties and a few sestinas. i scan my inverted
horizon for 22 years, furrowed. then i bake over
1,000 pies with no conventional oven. it goes w/o

saying that there are no we love you’s in this hot
box. not even a get up. i mop. i sweep. & i’m gone.

hole for the holidays

Friday, December 22, 2023


Mister List Serene

boil around in 2003. we found her
in the biergarten with the dermato
logist who signed my social security
benefits application. income tax ma

kes a difference. ask rosa about ba
ck-pay. ask rosa about glasses. mu
st be at least 25. look into house
child with razor cleaner, estimated

freckles 72%. medical laundry on
muni. note from masochist. proof
read in purple (clothing? ink?). sc
rutinize plate for swordfish, eel. an

aphrodite earbud (ibud? seedpod?).
get anxious re: receipt for massage.


Thursday, December 21, 2023


Emergency Preparedness

when you hear “code
triage,” it is brought to
you by nbc. emergency:
always display bulge. a

dehydrated person is an
hey! you stole my ability
to stay informed. do your

best to always participate
in emergencies naked. did
you wake up to a stranger in
your bed? do not call 9-1-1.

activate all hyperactivity. i
hope you know what i mean.

Emergency Preparedness

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Insert Xmas

printer cartridges. light bulb.
grocery list. finger in mouth,
suck slowly out until it’s just
fingernail. insert between

teeth, far as it goes (haven’t
clipped in a week, at least).
bite. card into machine. take
cash. insert cash into teller’s

hole. insert yourself into your
character. hammer nail for
stocking (don’t hammer tips
of thumbs or fingers). insert

assortment of candy left over
from halloween into hung sock.

Xmas insertion


More Practice Typing Lists from My Own Handwriting.

ELEMENT. Skateboard & Clothes. HP black and
tricolor cartridges. Call state income tax people.
Cry. Conflict resolution. Walk payroll to benefits office.
Repairs elevators & curates leopard-based installations.

Restack cards to make them prettier.
Stock shelf with torture anthologies.
Dishwasher stress pods. Wash berries.
Eat the ones no one else does. Dispose of.

Eradicate all proof of existence (mine? the berries’?).
Redial hardship number (1,000,000 times, if necessary).
Send Mom sandbox. Relay expiration dates (does
anyone check these but me?). Call Melissa from

Topiary. Invent inventory. Dermatology, physical
therapy, urology, optometry, disability. Hang up.

random handwritten notes

Monday, December 18, 2023



It takes gobs of discipline to
ignore anything. Let’s push
this absurdity over the cliff.
True or false, I completely

tune out. So, I’m out shopping
for coloring books when I’m hit
with an idea: paint by numbers.
What a blood sport, this education

, touts Mo Sheen, our new
Head of History. Lock target on the
smelly halls of corruption. Textbook.
With ammunition for currency. Off

with the kid gloves for a rat-a-tat-tat
that keeps ’em loaded, cocked and dumb.

she is fearful

Sunday, December 17, 2023


All Tuna Tiff Ending

When the shimmering

battalion’s squabble

spilled into the



the silvery

sheen did dim

to an incarnadine

swell that rose from

the deep like an inverted

hurricane before things came

back to a sleepy cerulean standstill.


Saturday, December 16, 2023


Doom Loop

I’d rather turn this into
a real thought or action.
But, having begun as a
concept, there is little

hope of that happening.
Turns out, we are just
a bunch of aggressive
zeroes. How is that for

owning up? Always the
saboteur, I’ve taken the
onus off of myself (a bit)
by implicating you. On

us. So sorry. And off
we go, the guilty crew.

fruit loops

Friday, December 15, 2023


Drain: If So

As a reminder to self:
pasta, for example,
and milk. Mix max
discontinuance. 7

days to make a de
cision. $25 feelings
fee waived. No fee
lings on this ceiling.

The field mice retort
we will not report. I
spent over 22 years
and 1,000 pants in a

heart gut soul punch a
knock-down drag-out.

drain: if so


Seep & Pop

This Franz Liszt is a romp
that could begin with don’t
do anything. Mom’s chemo.
Holiday ants out of remission.

Stay stoic. Finger food mauso
leum. Affix pix from resume
photoshoot. What a hoot. Be
nign. Also Ice Spice nice. Clean

close (Closet? Clothes?). Just
say yes to know when to say
no. Reread signature. Flush
pending. Wait. Watch until

it’s all down. Purchase imag
inary coffee w/imaginary cash.


Thursday, December 14, 2023


Employer Deployer

they do love payment
plan. $10 due on 12/2.
interest is charged. they
can only has payment,

what? the applying for.
there is a sliding scale.
online benefits dot con.
$48. $608.07. $8.07 over

limit. call tracy wow. wow,
tracy. thank you about being
a teacher. overheard after
“here’s your box.” barely aud

ible. “what are they gonna do
without you?” to which: wow.

Employer Deployer

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Irksome Swirly

Query max length duration allowed on
TikTok. Also, dig deep for my thoughts
on doing all-in performance for each 
project piece. Get your thoughts on this, 

too. Only way to get those is to do. What 
might this venture entail: props; filters; drama 
on, drama off; the unknown? What’d be gained/
lost? Might it be significantly helpful in this 

journey of relearning how to communicate, how 
to engage?  Did I ever even know?  It would 
surely bring new perspective  (mine, others). 
But it must have clarity; display text via 

crystalline verbal performance.  It’d have 
to be poetry, though. Not one-act plays.


Monday, December 11, 2023


Half-Translated Lisp

Groceries today: milk, TV
screws, bug spray, more
plastic bins, new home,
new laptop, new phone,

aaa batteries. Other stuff:
captivate kangaroo (?), call
ML, vichyssoise money, add
cad, pay linda god (credit

card?), 5937 694215 0185,
upgrade. Environment of
Core Mammal
– Ono (Yoko?).
Work safely. Speakum. Use

money letters and repeat back.
Emergency paperback. Any cad.

blue is out of order

Sunday, December 10, 2023


Egyptian Skivvies

Wrap me
up in your
funny un
dies like

a mum
my. This,
I decree,

be the

way to



Airplane Language

The dictator, a diabetic, crashed airplane
noses, which is low from cloud cover, points
downward toward a hearth at an onlooker,
the velocity of which could be described as

freefall. Loan money for phone. Money for
phone. Loan. Tell Michael I don’t want to
be on holiday anymore. Contact lenses un
der eyelids squinting skyward at the falling

airplane. Cut it out. Call legal regarding
hosing. Try to chat pretty. Urgent stuff.
Call agent. Clean outside of proctor. Dive
nose into butter. Swear (swerve?). Scrub

and clean outside of fridge. Dispose of rot
ten meat on printer. Clean crash. New view.

Baltic airplane


Another Transcription

Budapest apartment number. 10th
to the 18th. Con UPS. Lewis Elling
ham: “...such a tiny/life I have come
to be living, a/really tiny life—” and

then it was sonnet-ward. The man
whose last name was (literally) the
cat’s meow (Miao?). How could I e
ver have known that this was not in

the application pecker (packet, sure
ly?). Precisely define necessity and
purpose of form 2125. What ladies
it so? Case mgr wordless wonders

too who will be needing to sign the
sexy section. 3 interviews pounding.


Thursday, December 07, 2023


Dearest Political Dilettante,

Humankind got you down? Well, you’ve
been wrong before. Here’s a thought: when
rising from bed of a morning, or happening
upon a friend or acquaintance, or greeting

your partner or lover, your child or a parent,
say, as you’re quickly going your separate
ways at the top of a day – or when first you
see either of them at the bottom of one – don’t

begin by rattling on about how you’d solve all
the world’s problems. A simple hello, a tip of
the hat, a peck on the cheek or even a “how do
you do,” will suffice, as a general rule of thumb.

With Much Love & High Hopes,
All of Your Chummiest Dumdums

stay woke

Wednesday, December 06, 2023


TBT: A Casual Friday Collage

Thirsty. Half filled with
peanut butter. One open
jar, splotched with a smudge
of strawberry jam. An iron

hand clumsily filled with a
lazy pen. Or gripping slop
pily at rotini with a pair of
chopsticks. 8 executives

eating pasta. Is exactly the
message that wants to be
heard? Breakfast with new
COO and old CIO. Chief

Management Connoisseur.
One forgotten necktie.

poet hand


The Logic of Chaos

The mess on
my desk is

A splotch of
spilt milk in
the shape of

a heart.
I’ve said
this before

and I’ll say
it again.


Tuesday, December 05, 2023


Handbitten Tumor with Turmeric

General Surgery, Dr. Seuss. Is
that some sort of introductory
class or my appointment this
coming Monday? Ah, Oncology,

geriatric sugar. Jared meat: a
calendar, a monkey and event
planning. We are exactly at 3
weeks before Cystmas. For now

I’ll pretend (in the guise of a
scrunched-up loofa with inef
fable smells permeating from
its porous innards - what a

whang!). Add Africa to grocery list.
A lot of people won’t say Cystmas.



Cranial Flatulence
(more ineligible nopes)

A compendium of Dutch spon
taneity. The rest of us, ground
ed by a grackle, spent 20 weeks
on the New York Times bestseller

list: (with Extended Ovation for a
Life Wronged
. This bio of damaged
goods included such quotes as “Ex
eunt the Kardashians” & “A fistful

of s’mores.” The postcard that
came with the book was his obit.)
Ashbunny’s words had been so
confused they made the whole

gleaming universe finally make
sense. The colonoscopy was rad.

wakefulness to supplication

Monday, December 04, 2023


An Architectural Dig at Authorial Intent

The years were not easy on his words.
Yet he’d often been told that he display
ed his ache-driven heart most proudly
and prominently upon his work-bedrag

gled sleeves. He vanished from the scene
shortly after he’d won the most prestigious
trophy for his bleak portrayal as lead in the
praised adaptation of A Wolf in Sheep’s

, a mostly forgotten flick with which
once every other semester but one (and the
same) film studies professor most sternly
indoctrinated his doting but dimwitted star

gazing rookies of Introduction to Cinema
(mostly known to the students as Flix 101).

a couple of rookies from Flix 101

Friday, December 01, 2023


Hurthand Inktoast

do not try to open. guidance to
total encryption on the cypher.
personality is everything. or per
sonally it’s endearing? send the

order. finance wants 2 wks. put a
tickler says 3 days til approval then
after 3 days give yourself approval.
exceptional. life is what it is: extreme

ly different (defensive?) (deferred?).
to get here, step toward it. psych.
eval. grow godfather relationship.
gary picks at day strudel. goal:

do not toughen the hot mustard.
proust nirvana palmer & young.
