Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Pieces of Mind

This moment
is just a blip
in an otherwise
hectic day.

Is the crux
of the issue
that we simply
have no time
for such blips?

Psh! I feel
quite emphatic
that these blips
are not useless.
They are imp
ortant. They
are substance.

Am I but a blip?
Truly. Of this
there can be
no arguing.

I am a tiny
human blip
nestled with
in a medium-
sized metro
politan blip;

an inhabitant
of a world, of
a galaxy, of a
universe that
are each and
all blips, too.

This reflection,
this pleasant
ing blip in an
otherwise un
utilitarian day
is, I’d venture
to say, the very
height of this
day’s import,
its poignance.

I don’t give a
flip about being
but one mere blip
when in the grand
scheme of things
it’s the cumulative
blips that make me
much less of a drip
than most of the
breathing but be
leaguered blips I
encounter through
out my blippy

Life is weird?  Take some cat love.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022


Bubbles Are For Bursting

If only I’d
had you
for lunch.

             My internet has
             brought me many
             funny animal clips.

I watch them
and I laugh for
at least half of
my entire day.

      And then I watch
      the news. Which
      isn’t half bad.

                     What more in this
                     most blessed and
                     longish life could
                     I possible desire?

Oh, I can
think of

               Be proud
         and less loud.

If I were only
here but to pro
claim life’s
good fortune.

                     All I’d do whilst
                     slipping baritone
                     on down to bass

[singing] You got to
ac-cent-thcu-ate the
positive / E---lim-i-
nate the negative

     Inch on up
     the scale a
     bit and put
     on a happy
     face to sing:

Look for the bare
necessities / Old
Mother Nature’s
recipes / That

                 ahem, give us the
                 lowest common
                 denominator for
                 survival [a voice

berates him out the
door] SO GET OUT

   You bring those
   home and I will
   bake the most
   audacious cake.

           For only then will
           it be right to even
           start to celebrate.

       This positivity
       has positively
       humiliated me.

who you think you're not

Monday, August 29, 2022


Write Your Happy

Meaning, in this case, I’ve been
feeling not so very. Meaning I
am curious where this might take
me. I can always change the title

should it not quite work out, but
truth be told, I rarely if ever do.
Change the title, that is. I most
often begin with one, and some

times that’s what this will be
about and sometimes it’s so
unrelated as to cause confusion,
which I must apologetically and

yet impishly admit that I enjoy.
It’s not that I mean to poopoo
editing so much, even though
that’s exactly what I used to do,

so my apologies to Tim, to Steph,
to Cassie, Jennifer, Cynthia, Ron
and to all the rest of you fine folks
who’d listen to me overwhelm

the airwaves with my prolific
piles of mostly unedited stacks
of line after line, of page after
page, as they made their way

to you, whether or not a word
of it has been retained, or the
gist of my meanderings. Oh,
they made their way to you,

I know, and this is my happy,
my positive and my true. I
so miss all of you, I do. Have
seen not one of you but Cassie

since the Great Divide, and
that was thanks to Kevin’s
personal invitation to the
reading at, it was Alley Cat?

Another bookstore that has
subsequently closed. I only
saw Kevin once more after
that most lovely evening,

sadly. But what’s a poem
intent on pleasure, happiness
and hedonism without Kevin?
And on that note there’s David’s

Deli, still extant, but they serve
those monumental blintzes no
more, which is depressing, sure,
but the memory of those cheese

blintzes! Learning to be so very
alone is not so bad as all that,
especially after so many years,
because it’s only temporary.

That is what I tell the echoes
rattling around inside my head,
at least. And I have plans to
bring that to fruition. Plans

to murder this hermetic era.
And I will! Such fantastic
plans they are. And what
exactly is alone, anyway?

I mean, these days that
notions isn’t quite so
precise a description of
the me I am. Unless we’re

talking physically, of course,
and even that can be debated—
think, for example, of how many
people that fit (that live) inside

this fair building I have nearly
four years called my home, I
suppose. And while it’s true
that I so rarely hear from

any one year, from either
of you, but sometimes,
thankfully, just nothing
with such regularity as

when we held our swaps,
how so often we’d have
them. There are some
times I wonder how on

earth we managed, but
wow, what frequency
we’d meet and greet
and eat and read what

ever we had with us at
the time. We all go to read
whatever was read. It was
nourishment for me, for

body, for soul, for all of my
senses, and should our less
alternative lives have dumbed
us down the days previous,

well, I recall the energy most
of all that would, while in each
others’ company course through
me like some sort of electricity.

Oh, how you must have each
grown so incredibly weary of
my incessant voice. But in that
sharing, what sustenance. I, of

course, knew this, or would not
have been such catalyst implem
enting them to begin with; it was
not my first foray into such salons,

such engaging feasts of regularity.
But as the years of solitude wear
on, existing in this cocoon in which
I linger ever longer, one thing that

gives me pause is how I took such
bliss for granted. But. Rather than
be bittersweet in the least, I let the
moments specific and in general

from those days take me over, fill
me presently with that same bliss.
As often as I write, making utility
of the past, I’ve much less nostalgia

to which it must surely seem to
any who pay attention to these lines
than I, in actuality, cling. If you
can believe this, my most powerful

belief is this: now is the only time
to live. So, since these days, as
always, it’s living that I’m striving
for, as difficult as it may, in particular,

presently be, and also as I so empatic
ally started off these lines with such a
simple and intentional plea, to write
my happy, as it were, knowing full

well how much I’ve dwelt of late
upon such melancholic guff, which
is important stuff as well, the words
that have spilled directly from my

elevated and hopeful experiment
have in truth accomplished just
exactly what I set out from that
moment to do—and yet it feels

to me as if I might should take
this fair demand a bit further
into action. How hard would
it, in this reality be, to find yet

one more small group, a set of
individuals who could on some
occasion come to sit together
with our individual pages filled

with our own words we write
(like these of mine) and share
them each with the others, one
and all? Indeed, this might at

first seem like such a heavy
task, at least to me, at least
right now, but all I have to
do is look to the perfection

of so many moments past
to know how much of an
impossibility it could not
at all be. A new group

with whom to engage. A
new set of fine folks with
whom to continue this, my
education; with whom to

enact earnest camaraderie
and with whom as a group
and as individuals to find
that thing called friendship,

fleeting as it may, like all
else in life, be. How about
tomorrow, then, I get right
to it? Come up with a plan

and figure out how to mix
and mingle once again, it
won’t take much to hit upon
an imperfect few with which

soon I can be swapping poems
with some regularity, and soon.
I think I will. Indeed, I will get
right to it. It thrills me just to

think about this now, and
of even the somewhat del
iberate process of bringing
such a group to fruition.

poem-swap of yore

Sunday, August 28, 2022



yoo hoo!

you, who

told me

to get lost.

look at me


am i not

an alarming




is alarming.

am i?


look at me.

‘get lost!’

you told me.

‘yo! who?!’



     All men are brothers but some men are more.
                                                            —Jack Spicer

be kind

Saturday, August 27, 2022


Pork Chop

bus stop dork
what a dingbat
to wait in the rain
all day and no bird
just your glazed over
rain-wet eyes locked on
some indistinguishable
spot and your head
is there anything 
in there?
likely not.
it too is no
doubt out
in space
shuffling some
words (isn’t that
what you do?)
same old thing
that you do
every day
in this half
way to no
where no
you sit
and you
wait out
the day
for a bus
that never

bus stop dork


Never enough

is the business of doing
the same show we sleep for?

Can the man with all of the
money be shown the right door?

These riddles are plenty. I
come to you guilty with heart

burn. Will turnips, will
tulips suffice? How about

the mice in the closet an old
flame left me back in September?

They thrive. Will death
take me scared up to heaven

with feeling while they learn
new ways to eat cheese from

a trap? A contraption of death
that refuses seizure, won’t seize

them, resists any method to
silence the vermin, in fact,

takes as pleasure, a sort of
contagion, to find them

commingling and bruising
their whiskers with high-pitched

titters made distinct by the small
est of differences that might could

exist between individual sets of
tiny mouse teeth. I can hear

them from here, they teehee
in the closet, as I lay in my bed

all alone and I wonder (in awe)
if my neurons (they wander) escape

from my head, through my window,
and fly through the night just to lie

with the neurons of others (like me,
all alone and in wonder) whose

own neurons fly then directly at me
to bedazzle my dreams. What an

exchange that would be! Do we
dream in our death throes?

Isn’t that what I’m doing? Or
perhaps I will wake up to coffee

with cream and some Splenda,
or (if I arise) will there be none of

that waiting for me? On this
thought will I perish?

Enough with this freight-
train of questions, my dear.

I promise to answer
each query at sunrise.

Will you be here? And
promptly? You must

certainly know this by now,
my dear darling, but my

breath is far too precious
to waste.

(So, make haste!)

bee industrious


“Get a job!”

he demanded
before he died.

Isn’t that

to which
there can be

no possible

“Well, yeah.”
“Then what?”


“You serious?”
How the dead

do tease! “Psh!”
“It was never

that funny when
he was alive.”

“Ah, success!”
“The poor dear.”

“Any final

"Get a job!"

Friday, August 26, 2022


Hints from a Newscast

It’s terror at six!
Or maybe at seven!

In any event,
it appears that

we might all have
to wait ’til eleven.

we will survive


there’s a rip

in the climate
i climbed just
to tear up time.

but don’t you cry
my dear sir, that’s a
no, sir, don’t cry, but

damn, i just watch
as the tears come like
rivulets they flow

like the forgotten
dreams of the lost years.
hey, though, listen, we can

turn on a dime, sir!
that’s a yes, sir!
we can turn on a dime!

don't you cry my dear sir


a small heart’s demands

i want to say to you


don’t cry

i want to say to you

space rocket

go fly

a small heart's demands

Thursday, August 25, 2022


Five Hundred Dollars
(Quite Possibly Six)

As of today, who’s more
marginal than the rich?

A few nights ago, I said
to my betrothed, as I was

flipping through trailers
on YouTube (a habit I

spend way more time
doing than actually

watching movies in
toto), “There’s too

much severity in
upcoming cinema,”

without breaking
my focus on the

bombardment of
preview after pre

view—until I at
last decided there

was one heavy-
handed trend that

practically had me
off to the movies

again: there seems
quite a set of very

dark flicks that fer
ociously fillet a

particularly un
witting slew of

clueless (and clue
lessly filthy) uppity

upper class denizens.
These each look prime

for our times with
pleasing oddball

casts that each look
utterly horrific (in the

horror movie genre
sense), and while I can

so rarely sit through a
traditional horror movie

anymore, it would seem
that I am down and quite

excited for these uberly
dark and disgusting

comedies that appear
to innovatively lure the

ridiculously wealthy
into something that

at first seems richly
dignified only to slice

and dice them with
bleak and delightful

abandon for a couple
or so hours in the

cinema’s perpetual
state of midnight.

judy garland wakes up

Monday, August 22, 2022


It’s not so rare that I disagree with myself.

is that so weird? maybe it’s that
i miss arguing so much. only
we’ve argued like this for as
long as i can remember, me

and myself—so that can’t be
it. are you following?
with apologies,
probably not.

a clown i am.  a clown am i.


Q: What Is the Weirdest Thing
     About You?

is the title and the question, because i
play by my own rules, and that’s exactly
what’s emblazoned on the card i just picked
from atop this stack of ‘burning questions.’

and it is hot – so hot that my poor fan
(#2) is dying. i keep adjusting the cord
to keep its whir from dying a silent
death. losing one of my only fans (which,

while fairly cheap, like fans #1 and #3,
came to me via cash dispensation) –
but this is how i divert myself from
all things which must be finished:

playing bingo on my phone (my aging
eyes can barely make out the tiny
numbers on each grid); doing laundry
in a pair of buckets (one of which barely

holds water any more); watching the last
episodes of Ms. Marvel on my makeshift
teevee; sorting through my grandmother’s
photographs—my grandmother, the poet;

and this, my most thorough excuse, biding
my time by spilling these lines into a messy
little stack, just so, and then sending off the
untidy bundle, not to just anybody, no, but

this one especially for you. anyway, it turns
out that my grandmother and i have things
in common. i suppose that’s genetics, for
you. good grief, i do go on (as you well see).

i must learn how to be more succinct; can’t
figure why a sonnet isn’t good enough these
days. but sonnet or not, there you have it,
here it is, my point, the answer to today’s

purported ‘burning question’ (a set of
cards boxed neatly up and sold to me at
Target—the same place i got my dying fan,
it turns out—and check me out, i’m side

tracked once again): being a poet. i mean.
despite the comforting thrill i get from (now,
with some confidence) proclaiming i’m an artist,
that’s for sure the weirdest thing i am. to me.

                        . . . to be continued (as always)

i want to be more like buster keaton

Friday, August 19, 2022


What’s a Bunch of Baloney Between Us Bozos?

I talk but there’s no banter.
That’s to myself, of course.
The question of what if I
begin to answer myself is

silly, as, of course I do, to
provide that tiny bit of no
stalgia. One tires of a no
thing response, a blankety

blank, so I do my best to
fill the space with some
thing. So the idea that
the moment you respond

to your own question isn’t
as ominous as all that. It’s
a pleasure to have some
company. And when it’s

me, I’ve such a knack for
throwing predictability so
off-kilter that the entertain
ment can go on for hours.

And then, of course, it’s
time to sleep again. And
in dreams, what joy; for here
comes all of the people again.

Thursday, August 18, 2022


With Grace as Pure as the Driven Snow

“Written with indelicate, impure
humor,” could be talking about
anyone, but it’s describing the
writing of me. Being indelicate

is my signature. I don’t know,
you tell me. Yesterday, on hands
and knees, cleaning up god knows
what at all hours of the day and

evening. I won’t say night because
I fell asleep at a decent hour. Isn’t
that something? But the reason for
this new trend is simple. I say good

bye to my love before he hits the hay
and am then compelled. To slip away
and dream that he is right here, snoring
much more silently than I, in this tiny

broken bed (which we’ll fix tomorrow!),
a pair of legs, one of them his and one
of them mine, without being overly
possessive, locked into an X at the knees.

i speak truth

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


How to Keep Ahead with Assault

As any chicken might tell you,
the effects of being headless
can surprise, can even verge
on the absurd. I once knew a

cunning hen named Marie
who so loved the works of
Genet that she attended a
production almost every day.

She led an unchickenly long
life, Marie, and when asked how
she managed, her response would
always be this: “It’s nicer to be

shocked and assaulted into provo
cative thought by a theatrical per
formance than to be beheaded by
a purported proprietor’s blunt axe.”

100% chicken genius


A poem for early risers
(title courtesy of John Wieners)

Yeah, that’s me. Here I am,
up before dawn, ready to
decipher souls. Scratch that,
it’ll just be an attempt to

decipher one soul. Work
with what you’ve got. Be
who you are. It is what it
is. Here sits the king of

solitude. But who’s com
plaining? Besides the king
himself, that is? He’ll get
what’s coming to him. And

soon enough. But is it all
really that bad? This, thinks
the man who thinks he’s king
of something, his pasty face

a bit shy with age. And if one
were to have the opportunity
(not that I’m recommending)
to look a bit more closely, one’d

find rivulets digging further
into those crevasses, at least
on occasion. Were there any
to speak of. Occasions. And

who’s going to be looking
closely at the face of such
isolation? I didn’t say rarity,
though if I did, it wouldn’t

flatter the fellow who’d spent
days on end making sonnets out
of nothing but love. No one’s here
to know, though. This king of no

thing is a love poet no more.
Now he’s but a simpleton in love.

Is it really the king of solitude i spy?


A Heartfelt Pea

I left the garden
with a muffin,
thought I’d be
back in a jiffy

for a carrot,
an onion and
some okra.
Boy, was

I wrong.
Today, I
need to do
a million

Or else.

hello my name is discarded champagne cork

Monday, August 15, 2022


Broken Promises

While I said I’d give you an
update on this grueling day
when it was nearly up, I’m
finding it quite difficult to

do exactly that. And yet here
I am. I feel like a zombie as
I somehow find myself able
to allow discipline to take

over. My fingers are on auto-
pilot. I could spend hours regaling
you with what’s been accomplished
in just this twelve or so hour span, but

it’s past bedtime, I’m exhausted, and
I’ve another full day of it tomorrow.

Andy Warhol excuses

Sunday, August 14, 2022


The Proclamation

What a pickle, this
blur of words swirling
around his hair stacked
so asymmetrically upon
his odd-shaped head. 
A flock of fine and 
noble words, they
were, too, and he
without a voice. He 
tried to cough, as
an alternative, or to
blow out a word or 
two,but even that
was not possible,
it produced nothing
audible, nothing with
the last vibration, and
now he wanted nothing
more but to whimper,
but as the tears rolled
silently down the odd-
angled cheeks of his
strangely shaped head
he got so frustrated
that he just about
burst, soundless as
it all was.  He could
not even whisper, the 
poor dear young fool.
He’d try, oh yes,
he’d try, but yet,
the best descrip
tion an observer
might give each
attempt, well,
the man was
breathing so
of course his
attempts to
speak at
looked like
nothing save
mere exhalations.
His lips moved
this way just a
bit and then the
other way, but
those were some
thin lips, hardly
registering notice.
Oh, if he could but
proclaim, he thought,
why, he’d proclaim
these voiceless ex
halations a cool,
swift breeze. A
wisp of a fellow,
our dear voiceless
chap was, such that
even a soft breeze
might blow him
clean away to
the next county
and beyond. He
was voiceless, but
he wasn’t stupid, and
this fair fact he knew,
and hence his wish,
his impossible decree;
it wasn’t just his
proclamation, but 
the very reason for 
it. All thought for
naught, of course,
for our dear man
had stood here 
from the top of
the day, trying
like mad to 
find the only
thing within
of which he
felt was of
any matter:
his voice.

big head with a voiceless mouth

Saturday, August 13, 2022


A Practical Guide to Engagement and
the Awareness of the Good Fortune of
Experiencing It with Glorious Luxury
(A Sort of How To Primer)

I remember when engagement was camaraderie
and could, by necessity, mean nothing of the
business of family building. However, rather than
a melancholic thing, it was instead a rather giddy 
situation, it made me feel so special, like a some
what (because we weren’t alone, we’d seek each 
other out; and this club instead seemed much more 
rooted in a particular kind of inebriation—but that’s a 
bit of a separate subject, actually) unique member of 
an exclusive club that had a secret handshake or some
such. When did this all change, I wonder today. I’m
happy to inform, or firstly to have learned that there
doesn’t seem to be what I previously had always
imagined to have been a sort of general overwhelming
feeling of the particular way of looking at this one word,
at its ramifications.  I was happy to leave that sort of 
engagement be, as it were. This was my way–simply a 
way of getting to know a person or a group of persons
deeper and further, and of exploring values, others’ as
well as mine, of sometimes getting a bit red-faced doing 
so, and on occasion getting upset. Though the underlying
giddiness was always still somehow at its foundation.
That I was happy that it did not, instead, involve
diamonds, no rings with which to imprison whichever
appropriate finger, and certainly no kneeling, no pose
of commercial value, no symbol that was to encapsulate
the beginning, the forever of it all, and no judgment on
the tastefulness or tastelessness of the choice, of jewelry,
of the perfect location wherein to make this risky endeavor,
no knowing what the response might be, and it goes on in
such ways that anxiety might only be exponentially grown
just for this particular time in space, for this one act, this
one goal, this one endeavor for which the outcome is but
unknown. Boy, did that sound like something I was happy
never to have to worry about. Nobody would have convinced
me that this might not only be possible in some not-so-distant
now, but that it might also be met with almost no anxiety. Sure,
there’s always a little bit in such circumstances, but there needs
to be none, and this can be and, believe it or not, can really be
accomplished by turning the whole thing into something that is
unique as, to you, the notion that today, for now, we can very
much do this thing. I’m afforded this opportunity that couples
throughout history have been, to participate in that act of some
how making it official. The fact that I can do this has perhaps 
helped troubles that arise during these sets of traditional rituals,
or will help them, subside over time. But who cares if they
help others. I’m here to say that, while remaining giddy,
but remaining practical, I’ve honed this process into some
thing of my own, something that, once discussed, once
I’ve engaged with that person with whom I want to be
engaged, can become almost sublime, through the process 
and to the finish, an enlightening growth experience, one
of the most important steps in life, should one choose to
make it yours. To make that ours, I began with a series
of questions that, after knowing my person long enough, I
have come to understand are some of the most difficult
questions to ask, the scariest ones, the ones that scare us
the most, and those practical questions which up until now,
and without some forethought, one might never think of,
but yet not asking them might cause many more problems
as we progress through this dance than if they had instead
been brought up to begin with. Ask each question straight
forwardly, begin directly at the top of the hour, before the
small talk of a meeting between two minds can even begin.
It is pretty amazing how a few seemingly risky questions such
as these might work to bring the two of you quite instantly
together, and rather than cause anger or nerves, what might be
felt are peace, contentment and confidence. This little exercise
really works to bring you closer, to alleviate fear, even when
an answer isn’t what you want to hear. Surprising how
acknowledging fear is a delicate but splendid state within
which to exist. Perhaps go further by digging deep,
especially if you find a particularly sore spot. Don’t dwell
there for very long, though, never end it with the fear.
Be sure to close out your meetings on a completely
different elevated and positive subject in which to
summarize or just divert in such a way to leave the
thoughts open about what has just been discussed.
No closure, no official anything at first, just an opening
of the two minds, yours and your love
s. Begin to reduce
the possibility of risk with what you say and suggest and
ask, dig less, point out possibilities more, perhaps on a
subject that is not quite relevant to the overall theme of
your hopeful meeting. Better yet, stay on the subject. It
will make your last words before parting ways for a while
more important, more relevant, more thoughtworthy.  But
you can learn how to, rather than say them, to manipulate,
perhaps mold the conversation into something worth
while. This is not a solo effort, by the way. This, in
fact, could be the end of the solo effort as you have
come to know it. This can coerce fierce independence
into being a love affair beyond what it already was,
and into one that is even more profoundly independent,
more solemnly fierce, yet one that paradoxically cannot
exist without this newfound commitment, this couplehood.
Sound too bizarre to be true? Try it. Oh, to be both proud
and participatory, in individuation, but also with the person
you love and with whom you’ve suddenly found yourself
in a commitment of whatever sort. A commitment with
the notion of an indefinite duration. To love someone to
death sounds like a squeeze, sounds like murder, but
no one is performing this death upon the other, it is the
finite that makes infinity a commitment. It just means
that you will both as one and individually grow and grow
in presently incomprehensible intimate and not-so-intimate
ways. That intimacy will continue physically, more than
likely, in ways unimaginable to the both of you up to this
point, until that intimacy is no longer possible. The same
can be said for non-physical intimacy: connections heretofore
unimagined will bind the two of you together in ways that
will go beyond that date of the impossibility of non-physical.
Forget for the moment the question of who will leave this
world first. Too much life remains one huge mass of
unknown. Praise be to that, I say. And you will too, I
confidently feel. What’s the difference between
this or that so-called engagement? One might say
semantics, and this that I’m saying to you has began
with that notion. My fiance wants me in signed and
sealed perpetuity, but our lives meander elsewhere
for periods of time, and he is also fine with that. But
time and time again we are back to just us two, no one
else, huddled as one, or rising in victory above the throngs
we laugh at, saying they just don’t get it, just don’t get us,
just don’t get it right, or we’re hanging out with our new
circle of friends and acquaintances who, with us, engage
into the depths of the day or night on some silly singular
subject. And what we become from each of those moments
is so dependent upon that engagement with those new friends
and new acquaintances, so we climb peaks and practically
roll into valleys, hand in hand sometimes, less engaged
than we are solidly fused into a foundation we have
become by this genuine growth. This education as
a couple that is impossible to get individually. My
fiance and I are engaged to be married, as if we
already are experiencing the fulness, as well as
the continued independence of individually content
human beings of such fortuitous architecture and
engineering, both together and apart. We are fused
by love, it can be seen and we do most deeply feel
and know this. It is this presence and this absence
that makes our long and wonderful engagement what
we both genuinely feel (and sometimes talk about for
hour upon hour) the best of all possible relationships.
To ourselves, to our community and world, all of the
best, such that the anxiety-riddled people we once
were are but a thankful remembrance, a nostalgia
for that (and isn’t this all nostalgia) which we are
thankful to remember and about which we so
appreciate the luxury that it will never be either
of us again.

mom and dad's wedding

Friday, August 12, 2022


Prow Cash? Dig, Nation!

If your hunger is not satisfied,
wait a while for the next dish
to arrive. Check the backyard

for seven windblown garments
on the clothesline. They’re so
ghostly, like seven shivering

ghosts, levitating. A little bit
of disingenuousness is, by all
means, acceptable; can and

should be tolerated, without
any hate and without any bias.
If the gravity of the situation

calls for brevity then you’ve
come to the right place. Sure,
it can be tough to reach that

ideal work/life balance, but
when is it ever appropriate
to err on the side of deflation?

Whenever I suggest that you
take a breather, that means
take no more than three and

then get right back at it.
Shoulders shouldn’t slump.
Don’t even think about it (a

tacit agreement is never
binding). In summary,
back at it is

a euphemism
best left

san franskeleton

Thursday, August 11, 2022


the slender-storied splendor with a secret

a hundred and forty stories
swirl around inside of me
this morning. as if have
indeed been shot up from

some sleek metropolis
so slender and erect that
i am ogled by the herds of
grounded human gnats

who shield their buggy
eyes as they look up at
me, almost bumping into
me first, as the herds make

their ways blobbily this way
and that, most all of them
headed for work somewhere,
perhaps, surprise, inside this

grandiose new obelisk with
which the tiny masses of worker
gnats seem heretofore unfamiliar.
and, yes, i feel them crawling through

my innards now, like tiny mechanistic
nuts and bolts that shoot like clock
work to whichever floors for this
day’s silly grind. like some

giddy unchecked feeling they do
rise in me, i think that i shall not
forget this frothed emotion. by
the dozens and soon hundreds

i am sated and yet shall remain
as hungry for this breakfast now as
i will be tomorrow as they come and
go. it seems like only yesterday

or so that some smug architect
and then a few more muscular
gnats emboldened by some
lines strewn onto parchment

dug the hole from which,
story by story, plate by plate,
i was til but a month or two ago
so neatly stacked. look at me now,

i’ve grown into such a smooth
and dapper behemoth. i’ll watch
as these vast clouds of gnats begin
to wither, wonder if one of them

spits a soul upon its death knell,
knowing full well that i’ll far
outlast the comings and the
goings of this batch and its

identical dim progeny and what
comes after such and so on until
generations have inhabited me,
mingling with the exquisite stories

within the gleaming walls of my
spectacularly modern exterior,
never let in on the secret that it’s
i who am the soul of this fine city.

sassy skyscraper


can’t decanter?

this phase, driest in
august, could yet
finish this disaster,

who’s holding on
for dear life, crying
uncle at the doorstep

of the apothecary.
but yet the sapless
seedling finds it way 

beneath the chalky surf
ace of earth’s dusty crust,
sinking through what

goes for soil in these
here parts, desiccated
as a microwaved tarantula

(but only so to speak, such
bleak words said only for the
most imaginative ruminant,

of course), wiggle-sperms its
tiny self as if a chunk of lead
dropped down into a cask of

talcum, til this giddy-sober
little whisker’s dunked its
delirious digger-nut of a

head into the one miniscule
sticky drop of desert yet to
cling but to an urchin’s

smidge of moisture,
et voilà, kaboom,
the sapless sapling

bursts forth,
through a

it would
appear at

but drunk
and sluggishly,

maturing, as
with time one

might, buoyed
by its strategic
yet perpetual growth,

enamored by its sheer
existence, its resistance
to logic, as it were, 

suggest that its mere
living be, miraculous
as it in verity is but

the very (life-
living) template
of deliberate.



palpatine the paramedic

what’s so funny about
 asks the
bully pulpit, but only
with high hopes of
becoming an out
comes agency
par excellence.
high on what?
if only gurney
disuse was the
only answer. we
didn’t have a class
on etiquette at the
ambulance university,
becomes an excuse for
turning manners bedpan.
when at one’s throes, a
tremendously humbling
duration should one ever
encounter, one mightn’t
expect the hesitant can’t-
glimpse-the-nausea trauma
of puke-texting 9-1-1 to’ve
been the local’s jokey way to
dial-a-comedian (farcical as it
may be, lowest common demon
as, upon arrival, our humilicon
welcomes mid-throe-down. come
on, gut-punch, i calls the doctor as i
seizure doctor! even bad jujube would
have the decent claws to slay, “get thee
to a doctor not a duncery; and save the
mouth for none but tlc, and stet!” but
yet, and am i the one to have to quell
the siren’s malicious odor. well, hell,
always one for happy endings, me
and my ego are recuperated all
but wholly not thanks to the
dick what drove me sickly
to the doc pursuant to
so bad it’s lethal
insult comic’s

bug talk

Tuesday, August 09, 2022


Head Crud

The urgency feels gone.
But if logic were a dic
tater, would I be stuck
mid-daydream? Resoundingly,

no. And fascism, like
unemployment, sucks. So
here I go again. And yet
I sit and wait for another word

for procrastinate. But, though
the bell dongs hollowly, there
are too many bats in this here
belfry. I should wait until the

dust settles is a conundrum,
thinks the dumdum (ad infinitum).

Head Crud

Saturday, August 06, 2022


fuzzy sobriquet

hey, hey!
oh, hey, hey!
deadmau5 is here
to stay!
or at the
very least they’re
here today! that
was a test, by the
way. so what’s your
answer, class? [you
answer.] aha! so!
and very well! in
this class there is
no class. (we’re
unbiased,) no.
i mean say
that in this
class, there
are no
answers. (o?)
how ’bout that?
the students is a
dance they like to
call class. [is it
and how
might we
this fine-ass
class? on, but,
yo, we don’t
classify [’cuz
that’s a no-no].
[it isn’t allowed,
at least aloud.]  
well, for one
thing they're pro
déclassé. and
that’s perfectly a-ok.
5witching to what
they’re actually
doing. . . .] i’m
[uh huh].
so, hey, hey!
said, hey, hey! 
bedhead is here 
to stay! [now
they’re think
ing don’t
dance, blame 
the dancer.]  i’d 
much prefer rolling
my eyes up clean up
into my skull [mau5
ears glowing like a
metronome] and
get lost in some
other state
[they mean
the dancefloor].
thump, thwack!
thump, thwock!

knock, knock.
who’s there?
what’s the
best state
in which to
work? why,
the state of
of course. [nope, 
says our anti-hero,
the seeker] [and
what a sucker!]
[didn’t they mean
to say it
’s the state of
thats number one?]
nope, says the fraud.
nope, says our sucker,
the seeker, getting back
to the beat. that i
s indeed 
our fair protagonist, the
antagonist.  getting
back. to. the beat.
and so [wait for it],
hey, hey!
oh, hey, hey!
is here to stay!
[beat that, buster!]
[naw. i’m pretty
sure you got it.]
[and, by the way,
here’s your a plus.]
[keep on shakin’!]

doin' the dada

Friday, August 05, 2022



it’s 2022 (oh,
no! he said it!)
and there’s a
lot of hell in
the cinematic

a lot of hell
in the real
world, too.

[our hero
now ponders
for a moment...]

but subtitles
are suddenly
pretty cool.

think positive,
says the monster,
[ka-ching!] positively.

think pawsitive

Thursday, August 04, 2022


My Plateau

“Where exactly is the peak from
which you take in the best view?”
asks my imaginary therapist (I
think?), turning it all back to me.

I take the microphone easily, bree
zily. It is the vacuum of August, 
month of holiday-less vacations,
the time of year that is most often

filled with the rising heat of the
seemingly endless void. When all
of the laziest canines, at least those
who don’t exist on hummingbird time,

sleep and occasionally daze from the
softest and coolest perches (where the
most delicate pooches spend hours
twisting and folding themselves just

so, into the most comfortable and
canonical luxurious nose-down poses).
“Oh,” I respond, my lips to the mike,
with only the slightest vocality in an

otherwise whisper, “I’m with them.”
I point individually to the several
lazing dogs that can be easily seen
(from where we sit or snooze or lang

uorously stroll), each almost content
edly stuck somewhere in their own
individual cycle of dozing and dazing.
“I’m caught up in the seemingly end

less dream of the chase.” And this
goes on. Whether I’m lying prone
in a literal slumber or sleepwalking
through a perverse meta daydream.

This must be true, I can hear myself
thinking, unable as I am to ever quite
determine my state of consciousness.
I’m as captured as I am enraptured,

as it were, within the fog’s embrace.
I strain in attempts to peer through
the thick of it, my semi-conscious
imagination, in search of a clearing.

Somewhere the fog opens, exposing
whoever I am to the glistening sun;
atop one of the several renowned hills
of this lost metropolis, perhaps. My

numb legs wobble around shakily 
seeking incline, any groundswell 
that might lift me and my heart 
(that’s body and soul) into the 

open arms of my love. For we have  
an appointment, I say to myself con
vincingly. He’s been awaiting my
arrival, and once I do, he’s as

happy to see me as I am happy
to see him, and I’m all caught up
in the magnificent squeeze, the
electrifying clarity, of his hug.

And then we are off. So down
we go, as gay as can be, for fair
September, and another spectacular
night on the town, our lost metropolis.

meta me

Tuesday, August 02, 2022



Why’d we play a silly get-to-know-
you game instead of ask the probing
questions of the month directly? It’s
that curiosity that keeps love alive,

that elevates commitment to adventure.
Let’s always coalesce just to confess our
darkest secrets. Or don’t we have any?
I’ve a defiant hope that we each do.

Why? Well, sure, when it comes to you,
it may require more effort to remove a
layer. But what thrill to make each day
a quest to glean some deeper part of you.

What better way to keep love an adventure
and to extend what is until the ever after?

2 happy faces

Monday, August 01, 2022


     America, you boil over
                    —John Wieners

Two and a half
years now in my
sweltering coffin
of a hotbox (of
note: it’s been
an unseasonably
cool year thus far—
   )   the difference
between outside
and inside is strong.
I’m not sure what
I’m doing here. I’m
not sure of anything
but declaring my love.
It’s no mystery, really.
A psychedelic interlude
might deepen or enhance
it. But not everyone can
afford such luxuries as
psychedelic interludes.
Not I, sealed up as a
hermit in Hotbox #424,
sending all of my love
through the walls and
the one little window.  
It roves across the 
land and flies over 
the broad seas 
along side its RSVP.
