Tuesday, March 06, 2007


it’s difficult for me to be conscious of the
genious of any particular poem. these ones however
go on into triple mushroom infinity. for example
right now I’m reading about myself in percentages:
please reference table 1. most successful
($6,000 limit!). yay.
I know it’s hard to believe.
table 2. cost control. please note that I wrote a letter to Mom
after she sent me clipping of a
marriage announcement – some guy who
used to work for my piano teacher. further proof that I’m gay.
anyway, let’s get over to the weekend with its various
case studies on innovative ideas. ok.
then I speak into the camera for local access cable television. poetry.
table 3. marriage announcements.
for years I’ve been wanting to
write a play. in it I would include
words like glyph, slattern, and angioplasty.
I would also include a lot of garlic. stop this.
but it feels so good.
I would also point out that in
table 4 are all violations involving
incorrect applications of pain. I’ll get back to you on this. clunk.
oh and I got
a class exemption and also some good notes for another poem
(“that night you dragged me back/twice through the brush” etc.).