even the staid birds done gone
frightened by the copters
other’n that and squabbling with
the men who fear
let them see their music high in that
book I’ve already read whatsit?
like lush leopards who crash against
the window that is usually just lashed
by the puffity wind
here he is he’s from Colombia
and on a Saturday night to boot
first a couple a pelicans wanted to do coffee
’n heard Ezra slur “hath no blood o’ crimson?”
they were very studied seemed better than
Ross’s crew
we quite deftly spluttered
“death to such smut-mongers”
which I’ve got to factor into office politics
and the people who actually want to kiss my
dire ass
oh to be very thin
I say this because it’s so pretty to me
even when nobody’s flirty
ah the heartblocked life
o’ the new kid