Monday, March 20, 2006


It’s simply wonderful.
I can’t believe I said that.
Wonderful. Just watch
the students crawl
for their coffees.

Though it is unlikely,
considering how much I
dump fresh people. I say
‘feel’ because they
enjoy that kind of

text. Okay I just passed
the ramifications and
worried about raining.
Now what’s tweaked is
only cuz I’ve grown such a

big deal. Just like how
in the beginning I’m
warped and the chest of
buzz is such a rush. So
we’ve gotta stomach all of

New York tomorrow. And
it’s wonderful. Watching
bits of parade. We drive his
Aunts – capital for the
proper pronunciation –

very entertaining.
Then we trade
umbrellas; you get the
big one and I get the
smaller. Phenomenal.

Highly recommended.
Plus it’s based on the
play of the same name. Oh it’s
also raining and I need a
windshield warper.