Wednesday, May 24, 2006


the awkward 4pm stairsteps A LOT
a sign a sailboat up at the same cloud
where the hallway spirals into PSYCH
OSIS same staircase we pass in mornings
as each cloud in my head is another
ROBOT that has subsided the academy
the same damned number of boats each
pleasant ripple BALLING found conversation
it’s stifling and/or boring and/or my DOLLARS
of diagonal shapeshifting its one thing was
completely was writing a slime UNSETTLED
and unearthed skyscraper FEELING with yellow
window-washers sailing anyway into one another
a MEMOIR of our communications restaurants
movies saint DAFFODIL something-or-other
its peanut noodles indelible DAFFODIL indel
edible tablespoons of peanut editing eating