Thursday, July 13, 2006


we made leeway on the Myles Myles Stratton. gone UMP
is my diet of trees and trees and June. but hopefully it is

gaining in Blackberry and noseblowing (TRIUMPH
ant) characteristics of noseblowing and

hopefully pounds back. Treesblowing is it is a veterin
arian is where is the rental car and June? I am Angel Memorial

or is that two L’s as in “Del with one L” – trees RUMPH –
treesblowing leeway on the veteran pounds I am gonna

go do that now. back! I have been going through a bit of
Semester. Immediately. yesterday we WE got an orange

reminder the fact is that that is now 3:41 EDGY.
andisEDGY. but hopefully I noses immediately (one L).