i can’t tell you what i am doing
or at least make you understand
but this is what i am doing.
poem language is complicated.
i am speaking a different language
communicating to you here.
communication is complicated too.
for example you are here
are you here? can you hear me
i am here do i promise you that? i do.
right now i had a couple
margaritas and met jerry
the bartender then i went home
and read another chapter.
we dream now. the hunkypunky
evil twin of the sweet kitten
i dream of is now. are you dreaming too
a couple odd fellas?
this gets so intense can you
feel it? sure tell me you mean it.
he just realized his last name.
leave it like this do not question it
we talked okay and hey
understood each other right?
for example you are here
are you here? can you hear me
i am here? i do promise you that.
a dog in the pants is worth
two in the bone.