Monday, April 21, 2008


Dogberry[]will be/ the broken indicator light.
                                         —Taylor Brady

That’s why he put all the little creatures
in the pot, Papa Rabbit and the whole
family. I have to protract them.

Little dollops of mountain over
White Teeth and breakfast announcement
after jiggle (jog) with Otto

all excited about the 17,000 cranes
on the pagoda but they’re just little
whimpers of pompoms that’s all.

Daniel’s taking up both seats so I’m
back in the lounge car to give him a rest
and watch the Colorado sunrise

even pinker. No trees but a dull
headache. Denver. Dusk. Dirty
snow on the mountains and

bald eagles. Mountain goats.
Tenderloin’s rooftops. Slightest
wind. Fuzzy little rabbits

hop one end of the living room
down to the other.