The Black-eyed Susans
are everywhere. It
came to us via
“pegging porn” –
Hold out,
you have no yoga!
Yeah, I’m the dead man you can see right through me
on this park bench on Commercial Street. Very amazing
sushi. Trying to sell a car. Date last night
(presumably the last one).
Timing. So one full week now.
You lost your sense of humor.
No mail yet. A makeshift bed
with Madame Bovary
and green tea
She’s rubbing his head, smoking a cigar. It’s peace.
Trying again to sell the car. First response:
“You son of a bitch your mother birth dog jerks”
or somesuch.
“Wouldn’t that be funny we hook up?”
Oh, also I saw Orion for the first time. Good omen.