Friday, March 06, 2009


I only blog for poetry.

Pour myself another root beer
in case I forget the punch line.

Why have I done this
for years and years (these root beers)?

He just came, you’re
stupid, and nothing will ever

be as it once was.   And this is
okay.   Seriously, once you get

going with these things it’s really
hard to stop.   Red skies at

night, a new version of
Yahoo, the cat bites off
half my hand (rippled palms).

Pour another soda for
six and a half years

of strawberry cake (you)
and tea (me).   “I’m envious of you!”

Of this, I don’t think he knew
exactly what was meant.   Such

auteur nonsense took balls
and I wanted to love the wrong person
for it.

It was a moment for the record.
It was a moment.