Delusion Can Also Be of Value (cf. “Del is for Delusion”)
Forcing yourself to
deliberately trudge page by page through a book
you’re just not getting
caught somewhere between distaste
and disinterest when
you becomc acquainted, you start to enjoy it, you engage.
A child has been born into the family.
I don’t believe it’s a typo. His name is Shiny.
You think the earth wasn’t watching where it was going?
The movie was utterly horrible. However, never to
blatantly adorn the mantle of pessimism (a gift I inherited
matrilineally; although having spent a decade as an actor
I believe I know how to feign that I long ago pawned it off
for more decorous values*), I am most certain it was better
than watching Bush’s state of the union address.
Then he blocked out as much sunshine as he could
and got into bed, I dunno when, but then we made love
— aswirl — something is bringing us together.
Later we talked about money.
And you loved me because this is what I am not.
*Don’t bother telling me if I am sadly mistaken.