Thursday, April 23, 2009


Sure, you’re the one
everyone falls in love with
what a flirt! And you got my
number early on. Did I get
yours? I dunno, maybe
I was putting up the wallpaper
that day. But the parties I
threw for you, they were in
sane! Now I just sit here
and listen to the sirens.
Probably the same
ones you like to wash up
against the rocks. Yeah,
I’m mixing things up a little
because now I remember
I didn’t get into your
pants. The things I like
to remember. Anyway,
you’re a lovely human
being. I mean that as I
turn the temperature up
on the oven. For you
I’d have another heart
attack. But listen,
first can you help me
move the couch? Now
that we’re alone you
can tickle me until
the moon falls back
into its golden sling
while I lick that ball of
a head of yours up from
Venezuela and around
back to Chad and
Lithuania before the
sun cracks each fan
tasy like a roll of quarters
on a big broken toe.