I gambled with love, and in its stead I found status anxiety.
—Kevin Killian
What mode today?
A la mode!
With 9 clear windows
across your face.
Never use the
obvious example
unless it hurts too much
to tell the truth.
Switch gears
whenever necessary. Some big hills.
All my life I thought I was an introvert
until I took the Myers-Briggs test.
Being a wallflower does not make you
introverted. You are yet THERE!
You need THE PEOPLE. (Or I do.)
But it wasn’t until I started taking
Wellbutrin that I realized how intense
the social anxiety is.
Last night when I
offered to a handsome
bike cabbie as he was pedalling me
from one nightclub to another
that “cool, we don’t have these in
San Francisco” I thought he said
“course not the difference between
Portland and San Francisco is
some big pills.”