Hooray, I’m European; I made
tempura and it turned out great!
Milo shows up at midnight to
control me. His birthstone
must be opal or hematite, I
forget which, what with
four to choose from. Face-
book birthdays are ubiquitous
or ominous or piling up like
barn hay. I’ve got mine,
too; it’s half the problem
(half again of which is 21,
bridging the gap to all these
old new friends piling up
like turtle-clumps). Are
forgotten cousins best left
so? I don’t know. Makes
my head hurt just to think.
Click network and Asia’s
perfect badass on webcam
sounds more like honing the
horde down to a manage-
able, palatable few. Get it
up just to lay it back down
or dip it in grease, de-
pending on the region.
Mine is hot to the touch and
eats like a carrot to a horse.
Just ask Natalia. The best-laid
plans never lie like dead fish.