Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Down with beautiful.

The guy who just time-warped
has a stunning laugh. I catch everyone
in jogging shorts. It was time for hydrangeas.
Brand management includes time warps.

He was a burgundy magnolia. I caught him
in another life, so I know. Clementine does
somersaults in the pool and then pets the
potted plants while Carla feeds the horse.

I’m definitely a conversation piece.
Thank goodness not the old man this
rubber ducky forgot. We all have to be
on something. Unreliable hair is a moment

in time that is at best experienced by most. Just
don’t get caught talking. Two unmussed heads
whispering over a jacuzzi; one cosmopolitan
performing live with a Del Shannon cover band.

The mums are hand over foot with rhyme and there’s
a hiccup in the time-space continuum so we eat a bucket
of chicken for dessert. Nobody snores. But you wake up
uncuffed in a broken closet.               Au revoir, Iron Chef!