Thursday, September 16, 2010


A Meeting with Romance Ends the Romance

Twirling plates to the rescue.   A diva full of
tissues.   A mousy dervish.   These are but a

few of the rogues of excess.   Take one out
on a date with fish breath.   Navel-gaze at

architectural nodes, navels you can’t wipe
off your ass, much less your face.   She’s

the diva of navels, you might say.   And
you’re just another hardnosed ranger abreast

of danger.   You’re just abreast, so to speak,
in and out, in and out, as Friday develops.

It’s the march of a bumpkin gone city.
“Meet me at Mouthwash,” you might say,

“Third and Architecture.”   Roger that.
Roger with his butt up to the air.

“Roger, Roger!”   echoes the butt.
Good ol’ jolly Roger.