Friday, October 15, 2010


I feel like shackles now.  Heli-
copter circling overhead.  Metal
or glass on my teeth, uncertain.
A glass of water in the distance.

Focus on going hungry.  The
dormitory’s sole webcam.
Piecemeal thoughts.  Exist-
entialism and paranoia.

Each stanza is a window
with a view of only one
tree.  You had because I
wanted.  Only that one tree.

Rainy writing.  Sleet in a
glass of water that exists.
Hungry for shadows or
Colorado.  Unshackled

focus, leaning in on
winter. Dried rinds
at the foot of a pine.
A knotted whirl of

needles.  Kneads
whorl.  Needles’
needless words.