What a jarring image!
One thing about the New Age of Marketing is
that it’s certainly shooting yourself in the foot
to build labyrinths of self-reference. Kick that
20th century dessert goodbye. Image is still
everything, of course, but it’s gotta grab fast,
it has to stand on its own legs in a super-sat-
urated to the stratosphere, in&out (&in&out)
world. So how’d we up the ante on using a set
of images based on a set of supposed images
based on somebody’s second-hand description
of said (or purported) images? On words intent
on capturing the essence of words originally
meant to represent the god-honest truth of a
mere tidbit of gossip? Nirvana’s never been
easier, my friend, nor has its pathway been
less apt. Evolution needn’t divvy out one
extra brain cell; no need for sharper tongue
nor smoother synapse when there’s one rule
around and one rule only. And that is this:
the image with the most comments wins.