Saturday, September 17, 2011


we have here is.
   —Larry Kearney

Some cats actually bark.
Symbol this and symbol
that.   I’d bark, too!   Brian

says he really feels the
Dayquil on his nerves.
I want to pause every-

where now.   There’s
no time to think.   I
understand how

yoga sits on such a
precipice.   Something
I used to poo-poo.   Some-

thing I tried for a while
and loved.   Something
I have no time for.   Bull-

barf!   You think you’re
a fucking guy?!
looks like a lovely

day out.   It’s
We argue about

our housewarming
party.   It’s morning
in Montclair.   The

cat, Kiko, has
warmed up
to us.