Monday, October 17, 2011


A table for one, please.

I already said that.  Or have déjà vu or

dyslexia.  I got myself into this mess.

I’m so lucky and happy in my still life,

Olfactory Toast.  There’s enough butter to

spread a knife around so I get so antsed up I

scream into the gauzy eyes of YOU MOTHER

  These are the same lozenges that

amp up the ecstasy glaze over the orbs of love.

Let’s just say I court a glaze over my eyes, and

you too, maybe a quart of glaze between us.

Who’s to see what’s skating upside down

and frozen underneath it?  These aren’t actual

lenses / neither processed with pharmaceutical

prescriptions much.  These are just plain water

with no blue poison thrown right over each

blinking heap at minus forty; & this week no

cream additives and no artificial sweeteners.

You’ve the luxury of a stool at the bar with a

pain in the ass waitlist clung to a pain in the ass

waiter in a hard winter rain.  I am such a

glaze of orbs redacted by love, so lucky

and happy in my mess.  I am so toast.