Thursday, November 24, 2011


Mr. X-eye Featherhead

A hundred ‘woof!’s across Ocean Island.
Cooking with the best of them and then
snapping it shut. I still have to get over
how wide it is. Fried eggplant with a

white sauce all over it. Slip an abstract
project into an oily mailbox. Feed the
cat. Dusk never settles and you’re
morning, bright with fever. Open a

New Zealand wine. Stretch. Slip some
skin on top of it. Dust and clean the
living room and hallway. Racquetball
before housewarming. Clean bathroom.

Clean blinds. Update info on 1960s.
In the morning, head over to the condo
to measure it. Color me jealous. HON-
ESTLY. Concentrate on keeping and

wonderful and maintaining. Call the
doctor to say there’s no need for closure.