Thursday, February 16, 2012


     what i really want
     is to scatter
     my own


I’m having too much fun to
pick the day I’ll die. Can
that be right? It’s Tuesday
after a strong Saturday
night. No ashes but a
ring of wires aching for
fantasy eardrums. Some-

times it’s creepy what I
predict. Or how creepy-
poignant it is to pick up a
page written some[times
an hornery] distance ago 
and then to experience 
its eerie resonance;
say, the day after a
nuclear disaster,
for example. Or

and I was dancing
and I nearly had...
a time warp? A
Rubik’s Cube
staring at another
Rubik’s Cube
in some sort of a
stand-off (or 3
Softer back-

pedaling and
less disclosure.
Or don’t sweat
the small stuff.
I’m getting
way too

I’m taking
so seriously.

Delete button, short for (short) me with high pigtails