Like zonko! Perhaps
it’s all bad, all water
under the fountain.
Why worry?
I go for a walk because Nature
is so almost
perfect (Camille
Roy). Donuts on Polk
Street nature. I bone
up on headaches. Men-
tal nausea reduces depression. I mean.
Slam the door like a
stomach! Sue Rosen
said this on June 10th in 1957. At least I
think that’s what she said.
I wasn’t there.
Suddenly, it’s so interesting to me how
anything can end with a sentence. A
dream, a delusion, a character you
never wanted killed, Judge
I’m counting the animals in the room.
There’s a rooster on the top shelf (we’ve
a few of them; & we prefer ‘cock’), a
dinosaur next to a bunch of bunnies (from
outer space), a couple of lions (matching
bookends but on two separate bookshelves),
and Coco, nestled among the wires next to the
mega-multi-power-plug under my desk. It’s
the middle of my 10-day birthday and I’m playing
scrabble with friends and strangers. It’s nearly
one in the afternoon.
I have yet to shower. I’ve a
page full of ‘to do’ items and I’m surrounded by
piles of books.
It is clearly a gorgeous day.