Thursday, April 05, 2012



That makes me feel one more encore
but it’s another story, like Durwood
trying to explain that the tofu
is too sour. It’s gone bad?

I totally think it’s the intention,
what with being mixed up on
asparagus and all. Okay?
One person’s anathema

is another’s...enema I was
going to say. But instead
maybe waxed mustache
is closer to graduating

with honors [honorary
charges – as opposed to
dishonorary discharges
I think]. The sound the

elevator makes when its
door closes is a four-letter
word. It is so condensed
(in counter to the wheez-

ing yawn it used to be).
It’s enough to give one
pause. To appreciate
language. And this

libation I humbly
accept. An award
I embrace and 
am proud of. I [ah] can.

shark toof ate your baby