Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Don’t Write

I’m sure that we don’t always
disagree.  You agree to disagree.
I’ve never known how to handle
the inevitable.  I’m all over the
board, thrown for a loop.  It

gives perspective (while also
changing it).  This whole ordeal
helped shake things up.  I was
reminded, of course, of what I
don’t want.  I ask my remaining

friends if I’m a glass half empty
kind of guy.  Apparently, this
scares more of them away.  The
whole combination is what I’m
always trying to do, right?  Like

you know.  I sit on the plank
that juts into the little pond.
The sounds of water shake
the world up.  What’s left
of it.  Hours pass.  I have

fallen in love with a tree
that I cannot describe.
There are occasional
passers-by and there
is my companion

who calls after each
squirrel he sees.  Grey
squirrels.  It is mostly
peaceful and cloudy.
He calls each of
them Icarus.