Monday, November 26, 2012


Ships ships lethal manning lethal ships...manning ships
                                    —Brandon Brown

The duration of a stanza in proportion to
sugared and whipped cream (to go with
strawberries).  Taken out of context,

sexting is so hot.  Sexted tercets better
than sugared strawberries full of
whipped cream?  What a jester

(a word which often brings to mind
Chester the Molester, which brings
to mind Hustler anecdotes I needn’t

bring up or point out)!  Is it a myth
that the stack of magazines originally
belonged to my father?  Well, memory.

But he would have purposefully planted
them [exact location comes up blank
upon scan and rescan, but they did reside

in an obvious “hidden” location in the
bathroom closet during much of the
1980s.] ... to be discovered—and

treasured—thus.  This from a few
funny lines about nautical vessels.
Which was preceded by a few

drenched breasts.  Which was
preceded by about 7:30am,
as I momentarily recall.