Friday, June 21, 2013


What if society were founded on arousal instead of disgust?
                                                                      —Bob Glück

When you say the word usurp,
so tipsy with innocence, I just
want to eat you!

My handwriting is bad enough.
But I cannot even read my own
text messages (even the sober

ones).  However, it does clearly
say right here that the peacocks
are making noises.  And thus it

seem to saith (right and verily here):
“ list with innocence”—
I really have no idea what that

meant.  What that was.  So...
(yesterday, for example, it was
clearly “lithe with innocence”) ...

Huh??!  And, honestly, why
mince?  Because it then says
(right here): I don’t remember.

And, furthermore, that it
sounds like a sneezer
(these are clearly my e’s,

so it [clearly] wasn’t a snoozer.) 
(But a sneezer??!) 
(sigh)        I could have

perhaps meant the lisp
of innocence.  Just as easily as
I could have hit snooze.

But what a (forgotten)
moment to remember,
the shadow of him,

so lithe, so list, and
such a hot lisp, all
tipsy with innocence,

a moment that, once
it’s gone, sure
couldn’t be no more.