Thursday, July 18, 2013


I’m here at the scene of the crime
taking pictures, as always. I live
in a world where it takes sixteen
hours to make a turkey sandwich.
But it’s an okay place to live. Really.

Sorry about the bad breath but I had
to wake up at some point. It’s just
too bad I had to wake up laughing,
I suppose. Anyway. So I change the
subject. In the world where I live

there are many, many games of
Bingo. I play some of them. When
I open the blinds and look out onto
the world where I live, it sometimes
looks like it has been raining when

it’s really just a sheen of sweat the
city is wearing. This night sweat is
the sweat of joy from living the won-
der of everything that transpires
during the mostly silent mystery

that is the night. Here in my world.
And while I’ll admit that I love a
rainy night, every once in a while
nothing beats an anxious, sweaty,
terribly dehydrated night. Or

early morning, for that matter.
Right here in my gorgeous city,
on top of my heartrendingly
beautiful, beautiful world.

I love a rainy night.