Wednesday, July 10, 2013


When I Don't Need to Be

OK. So I’ve done a lot
of nothing. 14 months
in a house made of pee.
Wanting instead for a

call. Or anysuch. I
write. Malicious
sonnets? There-
fore, a hello. I

think I might have
mentioned. They
are nerdy by de-
sign. A burned-

up cover. Bummed
a nice weekend off
some dragon. As
I got really splendid

I remember starting
to have a good time.
Stating: Good time.
Out of a nervous...

what? Oh. Woke up
not remembering.
Stayed in bed most
of the day humming.

Which was great.
And is. I think.
But you could just
ask him. Talk a-

bout out of it.

Talk about out of it.