Friday, April 25, 2014


Do you need me to pick up any drumsticks?

Did you hear about the film suspension in
Honolulu? C-o-n-t-r-o-v-e-r-s-y ! ! Also,
every paper this morning (well, none of it

paper anymore, at least for me) used the
adjective “sloppy” to describe last night’s
Golden Globes. But apparently that was a

good thing, at least if I’m understanding the
various contexts (and my consultation with the
Urban Dictionary) correctly. Because I never

watch the Golden Globes, always wait eagerly
for the Oscars instead. And besides, I’m
pretty embarrassed by sloppy (be it

mine or others’). In general. So as for me,
I’ll believe my pal Diane, who seems to be the
one person on the planet who didn’t enjoy

last night’s slop-fest. Oh, no.
I may have just realized that my
real problem is with democracy.

C-o-n-t-r-o-v-e-r-s-y ! !