Monday, May 19, 2014


I have many questions.  Where
are you staying?  With whom
are you visiting?  How is winter
on the other side of the world?

I am currently melting into our
bedroom.  Solid and liquid am I.
A monkey stares into space,
whatever is vaguely over my

head.  Boss hobbles into office.
I court an ounce of hooch.  Now
that it’s almost weekend these
smelly parties are happening.

All at once I go to the board,
mopey, sluggy, bitchy & edgy
all week.  Like new dwarves
(Mopey, Sluggy, &c.).  I am

feeling so go to.  Otto just called. 
Until then it was one of those
days.  One tiny moment solves
everything.  Underline everything. 

Scratch that.  All caps that.  THAT
feels right; is just the ticket; strikes
a pang of contrast against how
substance abuse fails (quite often).