Friday, May 02, 2014


My exasperation with the ludicrous constructs that lure me from
here to there to wherever.  And how I go.  On purpose.  Ever onward
toward my imagined importances. 

All of this is to generally say that I prefer—in fact, I suppose I truly
can only tolerate, if not demand—sage, experience-driven,
& elsewise-accredited advice on the really important stuff, that
which to whom and for which I should point my propensities.
Fortunately, it’s the Era of Attention Deficit Disorder,

and thus I never dwell too long on the bitter pills of
politics, lousy advice, & the world wide webs
of corporate and corporeal manipulation.  I’m
easily distracted, and how could I not be when I
notice that, in other news, it looks like Justin Bieber
has been accused of an “egg attack.”  I want him so bad
it hurts.                                       Now where was I, again?

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