Tuesday, July 08, 2014


Note to Self (Thanks for Indulging)

You should perhaps be aware that you can
‘come across’ as being ensconced within,
or as being affiliated with, a ‘network’ or a
‘community’ or a ‘cult’ of any kind, whether
or not you are in any way truly or partially
affiliated with or agreeable to said entity. No
matter if you are the least bit aware, whether or
not it is in any way the intent of your delivery
or performance, you can become thought of as
‘one of us’ by some entity’s ‘official’ membership.
From wherever and for whyever your articulation
or performance, be assured that your ‘voice’ may
or may not help your ‘cause’ (or your ‘causes’),
should you have any. If there was ‘intent’, something
you wanted to mean, had clear purpose from within
regarding that which you imparted, or whether there
was no intent, perhaps it was a meaningless act, even
an accidental one (such as a sneeze), it could be perceived
as something very different. By anyone; even members
of a community, cult, or network which you despise, or
one which you did not even know existed. Your ‘voice’
may supply a rallying cry for a ‘group’ you consider
‘enemy’. Said group’s ‘official membership’ may,
thanks to your delivery or performance, come to
believe you ‘one of us’. This can happen. Despite
‘eloquence’ or ‘clarity’ in delivery. So, whether you’re
delivering or performing in relation to or toward or
against any particular network, cult or community,
whether you are speaking from within or from without,
from its enemy territory, neutral territory, territory it does
not even recognize, from its bunker, its barracks, or from
the very stronghold or headquarters of whatever particular
network, cult or community; whether you ‘belong’ to,
‘stand’ with or against, or are even aware of the network,
cult or community; whether intending cynicism or satire,
whether attempting to be social or ambivalent, your delivery
or performance may convince others that you are ensconced
within a particular network or community—perhaps their own.
You may become thought of as ‘one of us’, become ‘cult
figure’, so to speak, by a particular network, community or
cult’s ‘official members’—and even by those who aren’t
‘official members’ but either aspire to be or erronously
believe themselves to be. Whether this was or was not
your intention. Regardless of whether it is something
you would be particularly comfortable with, should you
even be or become aware of it.

kony 2012