—Tim Dlugos
Isn’t this horrible?
What a mess I am!
Calling him every
name in the book
until my fingertips
bleed. How do I get
so wrapped up
in the act of
out the door?
literally material
izing from deep
within an
actual door.)
My mind is a pile of
filthy sodden rags. My
ego is burned at the
stake. Dave’s annual
birthday party is this
Saturday. What have I
done to die today? In-
doors or out? Lunch-
break or work right
through it? What
should I do? What-
ever should I do,
cry myself to sleep?
Whatever! (I cry
myself to sleep.)
My mind is a pile of
filthy sodden rags. My
ego is burned at the
stake. Dave’s annual
birthday party is this
Saturday. What have I
done to die today? In-
doors or out? Lunch-
break or work right
through it? What
should I do? What-
ever should I do,
cry myself to sleep?
Whatever! (I cry
myself to sleep.)