Saturday, May 02, 2015


A Turn for the Worse

I love to drive. This
I remember. But sea-
sickness, as they say,
is seasickness. I don’t

get carsick, nor even
vertigo anymore.  Rare-
ly. Rarely just get into 
an automobile and

drive. Before GPS
I traversed the US,
these entire United
States. Or those con-

tiguous. Many of them
numerously. Well.
Aiming more for
contemplative, I

take off my smudged
glasses to let the river
flow (as they say).
I’m not granite, nor

relatively immortal,
but I do wonder if I
would be a popular
tourist attraction

had I been a canyon.
Instead of a human.
The vast airy beauty
of sleep is often

interrupted by night-
mares. Like this
morning’s fire
that destroyed

that was ours.
It all went so
quickly, like

the meat half of a
split-order pizza
when you’re ex-
tremely hungry.

a turn for the worse