Wednesday, July 08, 2015


Chew Toy

Don’t make
your day into
a parade (what
a spectacle!),
unless, of course,
you love the
spectacular. A
plan might be
nice (for extra
spice), but a
plan requires
time, and I don’t
even know what
day today is.
Did anyone see
that coming?
I wonder. Does
anyone see that
in me?
.... Ah,
but it’s all so
very stupid: my
niche isn’t yours.
And that’s perfect-
ion. But what is
your niche (or mine,
for that matter)?
And more to the
point, What’s
passion without a
And I'm
guessing that
you’re thinking,
What’s a niche
without passion?

At which all,
itchy, I simply
Old Man
, sings
Nina Simone.
And she’s
right, of course!

red heart