a blackbird from overseas,
insisting I return.
—Luciano Erba
(translated from Italian
by Ann Snodgrass)
I’d like to be able to say that to someone
someday. But this is just the slowest!
Hark back to M O V I E S: taken at
a leisurely pace, (no rush to finish),
which, for the most part, have
always done the trick (mood
upper). But then I started
fidgeting. Started falling
asleep in the middle.
Started walking out
in the middle. Now,
perhaps, it’s the song
that apples mood (I
am slowly taking a
sip). A Chorus Line
(the film). Ugh! I
thought I just ate it
up! Loved it when I
saw it back in...must’ve
been undergrad. I tried
watching it again this week.
How could I have ever?!
So, we grow up (or out,
or down), but man, I need
an antidote. On to the
Cabaret (film version again,
the same one I tried to
watch when in college, but
now...?): It’s P E R F E C T !
So, long story short, a
three-colored blackbird
shows up. And I am caught
without my camera. (So sad.)