There’s a hero in our midst.
‘Myth, maybe,’ says he of no
lisp as the fogroll turns into
drumroll. The 4th of 4 days
in a row I walk down this hill.
It is where I’ve lived (or used
to live) for 12, no, 13 years.
So more of the same will (might)
happen soon. The 5th of 5 days
in a row, etc. At a gym, I go on
record as weighing myself. I
come out several pounds. A
lot of them. And later wonder
how to convert them into
stones. Or sentences. The
Mark Hopkins Intercont-
inental Hotel is a stone’s
throw away from my
apartment building.
So I throw it into a
lot of sentences. On
several occasions. For
example, this is the
evening that I throw
myself at everyone
walking the sidewalk
that passes directly in
front of the building
in which I live. I could
convert into condom-
iniums, if you’d like.
Really, it was nothing.
For example, 'Thank
you!' And you do
the same.