Friday, March 30, 2018


What’s true of labyrinths is true of course
Of love and memory.  When you start remembering.
                                                                –Jack Spicer
You have created with-
in me a hole.  Well, an
open eye (with no leaks),
and it is a very cold hole.

I did not know what to 
say to you who had such 
bountiful half-barrel 
of the sweetest apples

as you placed them on
the dock of your choice
for the world’s apple
junkies to gather

around and to adore.
Not until it was almost
a minute too late did
you take the most

beautiful one in your
precious hand with
its elegant spindly
fingers and offer

one boldly to the
threshold of my
younger lips.
“Here,” you said,

as I took a bite.
“There,” you said
as I swallowed it.
Where I am now

is anyone’s guess.
Even my open eye,
which is con-
stantly leaking 

(liquid which
is obviously
from some-
where in my

head), hasn’t
the where-
withal to en-
vision a map

to provide
me with gui-
dance, nor
offer a single

token of advice 
regarding which
direction my next
step should go.

active drive