Thursday, April 26, 2018



That part you have
right.  That part of
me wading in all of
the bullshit, you de-
scribe it differently,
and it’s your bod-
given right, abso-
lutely, because
your attention is
sick, and not in a
good way, sick as
the victims you
point at all day
long, thinking
nothing, per-
taining to the
victims, but
even moreso
how you feel
about this sys-
tem we spent
time building,
lauding, up-
setting, and
along with
our values,
how wonder-
fully precious
to have one or
two of them,
but eviscerated?
I don’t recom-
mend it, nope.
I believe that’s
what’s so shock-
ing about these
so heavily weight-
ed with self-esteem
isssues, depressions,
the inactive ideas of
each yesterday’s gung-
ho, being solidly put in-
to a place where nobody
can remember (the idea,
yesterday, the solidity,
the action of inaction),
the pitch-perfect abuse
(sitting in front of Life-
time television yell-
why stay with such
a son-of-a-bitch!?I,
the killing of the hap-
py (where did those 
drugs go, right?)
as a sneaky mur-
derer of worse
crept in to our
universe of val-
use and such,
wow, what a
valuable uni-
verse (because,
yes, of course,
it’s since been
completely re-
veresed!), ig-
noring con-
sequences, as
if what are those?

Let’s pause for
just a moment
to prepare for
what otherwise
would be a lethal
isolation.  Which
means ignore my
pleas, ignore my
please, snub ev-
ery last one of
my pleases,
take a step
closer, just
one step, and
recall how much
further it was than
the step before
from the bleak fix
that is me, how dar-
ling of me to nostalgic-
ally imagine it so, ano-
ther step closer/further
and we might even re-
discover that release
sensation, the valve
and value of which
we lost, broke, or
just forgot to keep
their forwarding

(to be continued,
always at some
futuristic hour,
so long as we are
still skipping and
beating, breathing
and slipping.  So by
all means stay tuned)