Monday, June 25, 2018


To Ache Well

I rarely do.
Have a comp-
lete thought
(you know,
without start-
ing another one,
I mean).  Take
the rock I’ve
been sleeping
on for a week
now, for ex-
ample.  Nice
view and all.
But it’s a rock!
And a very cold
one at that. And
however heavy
the wind blows
(also, quite
cold!), it never
really carries
me, my thoughts
or that confound-
ed rock (from
which what an
view!) away.
“Aw, shaddap,
Jim!”  “Okay,
okay,” says I,
“good night,
Slim.” “Good
night to you,
too, Mis-
ter Jim.”
To which he
just has to
add, with
his arms
and his
four fing-
ers in the
air, look-
ing just
like the
head he
never was,
“You rock!”
Then morn-
ing crows.
And it’s
funny how
the aches
are never
funny until
years later.
“Years later,
Jim?” To which 
we don our 
Devo ziggurat 
hats and fan out 
into the wilderness.