Thursday, April 18, 2019


Inner Dialogue
(Don’t Look Now,
But I Believe I’m
Already Back.)

I did not have the moral rectitude to tell her
that he’d never left in the first place. “Not
even to smoke a cigar on the verandah?” I
heard this slowing, squeaky question from
the back row and knew exactly what to do with
it. “Not even,” to which there was a long pause.
“Now just a moment, everyone. Let me ask
you to each close your eyes. All of you, now,
okay? Yes, it’s dark now. The midnight hour
truly approacheth (as the man sayeth). You’d
all think it was a little bit like late night, Carson
having just started. Because it is the dead of
night. Now can you. Each. Just imagine. How
utterly, painfully, beautifully beyond sexy that
scene must have been? [Shorter pause] Man,
those really were the days, weren’t they? Gosh.
And. Oh. You can open your eyes back up again.
Thanks very much and have a wonderful mid-
night, everyone.

Inner Dialogue