...and I am hungry. And the
pairs will await. I’ll be there.
Or. Axel Bower is NOT a Wo-
man? But my largest dilemma,
the most confounding for some
time now, because fidelity is
not only NOT a dilemma, but
she is bouncing, or she is Bou-
nce Electra on the verge of
doubling up (the Wrigley
twins come to mind). And
then thrice such. As I was
saying before, the gig di-
lemma, which is coming up
apace, anon, toot sweet:
do I head for Africa, which
has always been next on
the list and/or lose my he-
ad, either here or there?
Back on the ground is a
place we call Spotify (at
least these days). And
the news that Weezer
remade Toto just ab-
out a year ago? Or
something? I type it
onto (into?) the kiss
that is on my list,
post haste. We do
everything in a hurry,
have lots of projects,
and never finish any-
thing. Life is happy
like that. Am I dis-
appointed about the
whole Weezer thing?
I used to have a best
friend who was tot-
ally infatuated with
Rivers Cuomo. We
aren’t friends any
more because “I
am not the same
as I used to be.”
Anyway. Such a-
re so-called friend-
s. Well, the histo-
ry goes that we
went to an OK Go
concert (before
the treadmills
made them such
a big deal) just
because Cuomo is
buds with the ba-
nd, and word had
it that he’d be in
attendance. She
was right, and OK
Go was pretty rad.
It has been one of
my rare concert
experiences, es-
pecially those of
an intimate nat-
ure (it was at
Bottom of the
Hill). Indy band
gone full-on 80’s.
post haste. We do
everything in a hurry,
have lots of projects,
and never finish any-
thing. Life is happy
like that. Am I dis-
appointed about the
whole Weezer thing?
I used to have a best
friend who was tot-
ally infatuated with
Rivers Cuomo. We
aren’t friends any
more because “I
am not the same
as I used to be.”
Anyway. Such a-
re so-called friend-
s. Well, the histo-
ry goes that we
went to an OK Go
concert (before
the treadmills
made them such
a big deal) just
because Cuomo is
buds with the ba-
nd, and word had
it that he’d be in
attendance. She
was right, and OK
Go was pretty rad.
It has been one of
my rare concert
experiences, es-
pecially those of
an intimate nat-
ure (it was at
Bottom of the
Hill). Indy band
gone full-on 80’s.
Or somesuch.
Would have
been the tag
line. Maybe 90’s?
I used to nev-
er read much
beyond that,
so.... The
1980’s, my e-
ra, totally. Tot-
ally. More to
that story la-
ter, as this
one is about
piecing thin-
gs together.
Like a quilt.
I had a hand
in making a
quilt with my
3rd grade cl-
ass (Thank
you, Mrs.
beyond that,
so.... The
1980’s, my e-
ra, totally. Tot-
ally. More to
that story la-
ter, as this
one is about
piecing thin-
gs together.
Like a quilt.
I had a hand
in making a
quilt with my
3rd grade cl-
ass (Thank
you, Mrs.
Wells!). It
was 1976,
the bicent-
ennial, and
she thought
it’d be a fan-
tastic way to
celebrate su-
ch a year wi-
th a quilt-ma-
king project.
Moms and
were invited
to participa-
te, too—and
of course
they did.
In fact (
or of cou-
rse), most
of the
ng was
done by
the mat-
rons & gr-
ons any-
the bicent-
ennial, and
she thought
it’d be a fan-
tastic way to
celebrate su-
ch a year wi-
th a quilt-ma-
king project.
Moms and
were invited
to participa-
te, too—and
of course
they did.
In fact (
or of cou-
rse), most
of the
ng was
done by
the mat-
rons & gr-
ons any-