Wednesday, May 01, 2019


Are We Our Shelves?

When I looked at myself over
the mantle and into the mirror
all I could see of myself were all
of the green books behind me.

I’m quite proud of them. I may
never wear green out (or in, for
that matter) again, but I do sip the
occasional Lime Cucumber Lim-

on Pepino Gatorade
; it’s actually
quite tasty and as it’s a rather
pleasing shade of green, it
perhaps should be called a

different color altogether.
Oh, it probably already is.
Like taupe and beige, or
fuchsia and just about

anything. Plus, back to the
Gatorade (and I honestly
have no idea if the name of it
is the flavor writ in English plus

its translation in perhaps
Spanish, or a subtle but
intended differentiation,
a sort of subverted, al-

tered meaning of some
sort that speaks something
special if you’re bilingual
[and can be in on the joke]

or, simply, like many cartons
and canisters and general
groceries of today [oh, the
modern world!], is simply

an iteration of its English
flavor on top and a reiter
ation of its Spanish [or what
ever] on the bottom? Which,

okay, is boring, if not
a tad obnoxious. That,
perhaps says way 
more about me than

should be given away,
unlike the fact that
I like my electrolytes
served a sort of late

oak leaf colored green.
And, unfortunately for
the world [in my humble
opinion, once more],

it is too bad if the
name of this drink 
mere redundancy.)....
We need more word-

play in the world.
More enlightening
combinations that
set the mind ablaze;

that motivate, titillate
and inspire all at once.
But then, silly me, per-
haps we have that already,

maybe better (as in more
complex: layer upon layer
upon layer of meaning
that if you really delve

into can’t but make
your head explode),
in, say, late night tele-
vision. (I’m thinking

Stephen Colbert,
but pick your
favorite. It’s a
great time for

late night;
but let’s not

with all of
the reasons
that this phe-
nom might

be such a
And there’s
always con-

sistently mind-
twisting rap,
trending not
much longer

than I’ve been
around, and to
an even higher
degree now by the

knock-you-over tal-
ents of today
’s rap
artists, e.g., that are 
often women wonder-

fully redefining
by consistently
screwing with

the mainstream
notion of what
beauty is, etc.. 
But these are, 

in summation,
way too many
topics to even
begin to dive

into on a won-
derful day such
as today. But
can you tell

that I have a
healthy imagina-
tion? Perhaps a bit
too healthy, I wonder,

as I take another
extended gaze in-
to the giant mirror,
just to see that I

indeed remain in
this outlandish
outfit that is
quilted of every

possible hue of
green imaginable
(up to this point,
per my pea-brain,

anyway). What
a costume! Who
knew there could
possibly be such

off-putting varie-
ties of green?  The
color(s) of life.   And
I have always been

of the mind that
it is a horrid
color on me, 
perhaps because 

it’s such an earthy
hue, and I often
think of my attire
as too lifeless for

such. Today, how-
ever, I once again think
that maybe I had it wrong
all along. I mean look at

me. Or I do,
for a few more
moments, see-
ing the fantastic

in myself, which
feels pretty great.
I look into the mirror
just beyond my eyes,

notice the commotion
has already begun. And
so I drift, purposefully, 
away from the beautiful

mirror on my living
room wall to be-
come, as usual,
the life of the party.

say what?